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Equine Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease

Equine Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease
10-30 napon belül beszerezzük

Cikkszám: 7040

Szerző(k): Stuart Clark-Price (Editor), Khursheed Mama (Editor)

Kiadó: WILEY

ISBN: 978-1-119-30715-0

Megjelenés: 2022

Nyelv: Angol

Oldalszám: 416

Illusztrációk: Színes képek, ábrák és táblázatok

Kötés: Kartonált

Mintaoldalak: KATT



The first book covering anesthesia in equine patients with pre-existing diseases or conditions

Equine Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease offers practical guidance on anesthetizing horses with pre-existing diseases or other unique conditions. Filling a significant gap in available literature, this authoritative reference is the ideal companion to existing publications on basic management principles, equipment, and complications in equine anesthesia. Detailed chapters, co-authored by anesthesiologists and other allied specialists, offer a body-system approach to anesthesia considerations in horses presenting with a variety of disease conditions.

Each chapter contains foundational knowledge such as pathophysiology or diagnostic techniques, clinical images, practical information for pharmacologic selection, and technical requirements for completion of procedures. The text covers equine anesthesia management relevant to respiratory, neuromuscular, and gastrointestinal diseases, cardiac and orthopedic procedures, diagnostic imaging and unique therapies, and more. Designed to allow quick and easy reference to vital information, this valuable clinical resource:

  • Provides complete coverage of anesthetic management of horses with existing conditions or diseases
  • Describes how pre-existing conditions can affect anesthesia in equine patients
  • Includes coverage of accident and error management, induction, and recovery
  • Discusses how anesthesia management differs in feral or non-domesticated and domesticated equids including donkeys and mules

Equine Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease is a must-have reference and clinical guide for everyone involved in the anesthetization of equine patients, including equine general practitioners, anesthesiologists, specialists in related areas, residents in veterinary anesthesiology, and equine anesthesia technicians.

Contributing Authors viii

Preface xi

1 Anesthetic Management for Dental and Sinus Surgery 1

2 Anesthetic Management for Ocular Interventions 16

3 Anesthetic Management for Inflammatory or Infectious Respiratory Diseases 35

4 Anesthetic Management for Surgery of the Respiratory Tract 73

5 Anesthetic Management for Interventional Cardiac Procedures 84

6 Anesthetic Management for Medical and Surgical Neurologic Conditions 116

7 Anesthetic Management for Orthopedic Conditions 137

8 Anesthetic Management for Muscular Conditions 159

9 Anesthetic Management for Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Procedures 195

10 Anesthetic Management for Gastrointestinal Diseases 216

11 Anesthetic Management for Endocrine Diseases and Geriatric Horses 229

12 Anesthetic Management for Urogenital Interventions 260

13 Anesthetic Management of Foals 292

14 Anesthetic Management of Other Domesticated and Non-Domesticated Equids 337

15 Accident and Error Management 352

Index 385

Akciós ár: 60 650 Ft helyett 54 600 Ft
Akció ideje: 2023.12.07 - 2025.02.28
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