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Textbook of Rabbit Medicine, 2nd edition

Textbook of Rabbit Medicine, 2nd edition
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Cikkszám: 443

ISBN 9780702049798
E-ISBN 9780702054198
Author Information By Molly Varga
Copy Right Year 2013
Edition Number 2
Format Book
Format Size 246 X 189 (7 11/16 x 9 7/16)
Illustrations Approx. 180 illustrations (125 in full color)
Imprint Butterworth-Heinemann
Page Count 512
Publication Date 17 Sep 2013

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The new Textbook of Rabbit Medicine draws on the latest information from around the world to make it a truly global resource on all aspects of rabbit medicine and health. It will continue to be indispensable to veterinary surgeons in general practice, veterinary students, referral veterinarians specializing in exotic pets, and veterinary surgeons studying for certificates in advanced veterinary practice.

The book is carefully constructed to allow for the biology, husbandry and clinical techniques that pertain to rabbit medicine to be treated comprehensively and conveniently. Clinical chapters follow a logical progression from clinical pathology, through anaesthesia, therapeutics and diseases covered by body system, to surgery and post-mortem examination.

The author offers a strong emphasis on clinical practice to ensure the content is as practically useful and accessible as possible. Key points boxes integrated throughout the book provide a stand-alone précis of important subjects. New clinical techniques boxes are packed with tips from a practising expert who regularly applies this same information in practice.

Key Features

    • Comprehensive, in-depth and authoritative coverage of the health and diseases of the domestic rabbit

    • Detailed and explicit line artwork provides a clear understanding of physiological processes

  • A practical, evidence-based resource for the effective treatment of pet rabbits.

New to this Edition

New to the second edition

    • A new expert author revises and reframes the original classic text for today`s practitioners and students

    • Content is thoroughly updated to include the latest drugs, anaesthetics and techniques

    • A new full-colour design is used to improve access and navigability

    • Many new colour illustrations and diagrams throughout help emphasize and clarify key content

  • The book`s additional clinical emphasis makes this edition more practical than ever before!

Biological characteristics of the domestic rabbit; Diet and husbandry; The rabbit consultation and clinical techniques; Therapeutics; Anaesthesia and analgesia; Clinical Pathology; Dental disease; Abscesses; Skin diseases; Digestive disease; Ophthalmic diseases; Neurological and locomotor disorders; Cardiorespiratory disease; Urogenital disease; General surgical principles and neutering; Infectious diseases; Post mortem examination, Index.

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