Contributors ix
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xv
Disclaimer xvii
About the Companion Website xix
Section I: Introduction
1 Exotic Animals in Clinical Practice 3
Bonnie Ballard
Section II: Analgesia and Anesthesia
2 Exotic Anesthesia and Analgesia 11
Jody Nugent-Deal
3 Anesthetic Equipment and Monitoring for Exotic Patients 31
Katrina Lafferty
Section III: Avian
4 Psittacine and Passerine Birds 43
Cheryl B. Greenacre and Lillian Gerhardt
5 Psittacine Behavior Husbandry and Enrichment 73
April Romagnano and Tarah L. Hadley
6 Aviary Design and Management 83
April Romagnano
7 Sex Differentiation and Reproduction 89
April Romagnano and Tarah L. Hadley
Section IV: Reptiles
8 Lizards 95
Brad Wilson
9 Snakes 137
Ryan Cheek and Maria Crane
10 Chelonians 183
Samuel Rivera
11 Herpetoculture and Reproduction 197
David Martinez-Jimenez
Section V: Amphibians and Aquatic Animals
12 Amphibians 215
Brad Wilson
13 Fish 251
Sandy Skeba and Susan Coy
Section VI: Mammals
14 Ferrets 273
Colleen Roman and Tarah L. Hadley
15 Rabbits 287
Vanessa K. Lee, Douglas K. Taylor, Michael J. Huerkamp, and Deborah Mook
16 Mice, Rats, Gerbils, and Hamsters 319
April Romagnano
17 Chinchillas 333
Ashley Schuller and Bonnie Ballard
18 Guinea Pigs 341
Jill Murray and Maria Crane
19 Degus 351
Jill Murray
20 Hedgehogs 359
Ashley Schuller and Michael Duffy Jones
21 Skunks 367
Samuel Rivera
22 Sugar Gliders 371
Samuel Rivera
23 Prairie Dogs 375
Samuel Rivera
Section VII: Hematology
24 Avian and Reptile Hematology 381
Denise I. Bounous
Section VIII: Zoo, Aquarium Medicine, and Wildlife
25 The Role of a Veterinary Technician in a Zoo 389
Sandy Skeba
26 The Technician’s Role at a Public Aquarium 397
Susan Coy
27 The Role of the Veterinary Technician in Wildlife Rehabilitation 401
Melanie Haire
Section IX: Appendices
1 State/Federal Wildlife Permit Offices 431
2 Wildlife Admissions/Exam/Care Forms 433
3 Handling and Restraint of Wildlife Species 437
4 Tail Wrapping 443
5 Guide to Identification of Hatchling and Nestling Songbirds 445
6 Average Body Weights of Selected North American Songbirds 449
7 Species Care Sheets 451
8 Biological Data of Selected North American Wild Mammals 457
9 Glossary of Medical Conditions and Treatments 459
10 Wildlife Product Sources 463
11 Additional Resources 467
12 Supplies Necessary for an Exotic Practice 471
13 Animal Training Documentation 473
14 Animal Data Transfer Form 475
15 Operating Protocols: Animal Training Request Form 481
16 Operating Protocols: Enrichment and Evaluation Form 483
Index 485