About the Author
Gary M. Baxter, VMD, MS, DACVS, is Associate Dean for Clinical Services at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine in Athens, Georgia, USA.
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Provides a fully updated Seventh Edition of the classic gold-standard reference on equine lameness
This new edition of the go-to resource for equine lameness features updates throughout and more in-depth information on objective lameness assessment, sports medicine, rehabilitation, treatment options, and advanced imaging. With contributions from the world’s leading authorities on the subject, the book covers functional anatomy, examination, imaging, lameness of the distal limb, proximal limb, and axial skeleton, principles of musculoskeletal disease, therapies, occupation-related conditions, lameness in young horses, and farriery. More than 1,700 images support the text, making it an exhaustive reference for all aspects of lameness in horses.
Now in its seventh edition, Adams and Stashak’s Lameness in Horses continues to be the definitive resource on equine lameness for veterinary specialists, practitioners, interns, residents, and students alike. The book is supplemented with a companion website offering a plethora of “how-to” videos demonstrating lameness examination and select perineural and intrasynovial anesthesia techniques.
Adams and Stashak’s Lameness in Horses is a must-have reference for any practicing large animal and equine veterinarian, equine veterinary specialist, or veterinary student dealing with lameness in the horse.
Gary M. Baxter, VMD, MS, DACVS, is Associate Dean for Clinical Services at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine in Athens, Georgia, USA.
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List of Contributors
Preface to the Seventh Edition
Preface to the Sixth Edition
Preface to the Fifth Edition
Preface to the Fourth Edition
Common Terminologies and Abbreviations
About the Companion Website
1. Functional Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System
a. Hoof – Fails
b. Forelimb - Fails
c. Hindlimb – Fails
d. Axial skeleton – Fails
2. Examination for Lameness
a. History, visual exam and conformation – Baxter and Stashak
b. Palpation and manipulation – Baxter and Stashak
c. Subjective assessment of lameness - Keegan
d. Objective assessment of lameness - Keegan
e. Perineural and Intrasynovial anesthesia –Baxter
3. Diagnostic Imaging
a. Radiography- Acutt, Barrett
b. Ultrasound – Redding
c. Nuclear scintigraphy – Selberg, Acutt, Valdes-Martinez
d. CT – Spriet
e. MRI – Schramme and Segard-Weisse
f. Thermography – Turner
4. Lameness of the Distal Limb
a. Foot
• Navicular region and soft tissue injuries of the foot – Eggleston and Baxter
• Coffin joint and distal phalanx – Baxter
b. Miscellaneous conditions of the foot – Baxter
• Laminitis – Belknap, Parks, Dern
c. Pastern – Watts and Baxter
d. Fetlock – Brokken and Bertone
e. Metacarpal/metatarsal regions – Ortved and Bertone
5. Lameness of the Proximal Limb
a. Carpus – Kawcak
b. Antebrachium, elbow and humerus – Hubert
c. Shoulder and scapula – Hubert
d. Tarsus - Redding
e. Tibia and Crus – Redding
f. Stifle - FP region – Baxter and Sullins
g. Stifle - FT region - Kawcak
h. Femur and coxofemoral region – Ernst, Trumble (delete Baxter as co-author)
6. Lameness Associated with the Axial Skeleton
a. Pelvis – Van Wessum
b. Sacroiliac region -Van Wessum
c. Thoracolumbar region/Back - Van Wessum
d. Neck and poll - Van Wessum
7. Principles of Musculoskeletal Disease
a. Joint disease and osteoarthritis – McIlwraith
b. Bone injuries and disease– Kawcak and Baxter
c. Tendon and ligament injuries – Goodrich
d. Muscle injuries/disease - Valberg
8. Principles of Therapy for Lameness
a. Systemic/Parenteral – Koch and Goodrich
b. Topical/local – Koch and Goodrich
c. Intrasynovial – Smanik and Goodrich
d. Intralesional – Steward and Goodrich
e. Oral/Nutritional – Ernst and Trumble
f. Therapeutic trimming and shoeing – Parks
g. Acupuncture/chiropractic/manipulation – Haussler
h. Rehabilitation/Physical therapy –King, Ellis, Stubbs
9. Occupation-related Lameness Conditions
a. Thoroughbred racehorses - Carpenter
b. Standardbred racehorses – Johnston and Nickels
c. Quarter Horse racehorses – Goodman and Overly
d. Western performance horses – Dabariener
e. Jumping/Dressage/Eventing – Maher
f. Endurance horses – Holbrook
g. Show/pleasure horses – Johnson and Frisbie
h. Gaited horses – Wilson and Keegan
i. Draft horses- Hawkins
10. Lameness in the Young Horse
a. The physis/physeal fractures/physitis – Tatarniuk, Trumble and Baxter
b. Angular limb deformities/cuboidal bone malformation – Ernst, Trumble and Baxter
c. Flexural deformities – Ernst, Trumble and Baxter
d. Osteochondrosis – McIlwraith
e. Lameness in foals – Hunt
11. Foot Care and Farriery
a. Basic foot care – O’Grady
b. Principles of trimming and shoeing- O’Grady
c. Farriery for common hoof problems - O’Grady
d. Natural balance trimming and shoeing – Ovnicek
12. Miscellaneous Musculoskeletal Conditions
a. Musculoskeletal emergencies – Seabaugh
b. The poor-performing horse – Davidson
c. Evaluation of Saddle fit– Haussler
d. Prepurchase examination - Eggleston
e. Stance and Gait Anomalies caused by Neurological Disease – Goehring
http://www.wiley.com/go/baxter/lameness Companion Site
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