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Állatorvostudományi Egyetem területén: G épület

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Bone surgery in small animals

Bone surgery in small animals
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 10203

Szerző:  Juan Pablo Zaera Polo


Nyelv: Angol

ISBN:  9788416315215

Megjelenés:  2014 december

Oldalszám:  240

Kötés: Keménytáblás-cérnafűzött

Illusztrációk: Színes fényképek, táblázatok, diagramok és rajzok



Servet publishes this traumatology manual in which the most common fractures in the canine species and the way to solve them by osteosynthesis are described. The first six chapters are devoted to the general aspects of bone growth and healing, classification of bone fractures and the different types of osseous healing. The following chapters set out the fractures that can occur in the different bones, from the skull to the phalanges, with the various alternatives to address them and the advantages or disadvantages of the different applicable osteosynthesis systems. The information is supplemented by abundant radiographs showing the reader the possible treatment options. Finally, the author includes a chapter of selected clinical cases

1. Bone tissue
General information
Vascular supply
2. Bone growth and healing
Bone growth
Bone healing
3. Classification of fractures
Soft tissue involvement
Number of fragments
Direction of the fracture plane
Metaphyseal and epiphyseal fractures
Joint fractures
4. Bone stimulation
Bone transplants
Types of bone transplants
BMP or PRP grafts. Pins, rush pins, Kirschner pins
5. Osteosynthesis systems and biomechanics
Biomechanics and their application in different osteosynthesis systems
Tension band pin system
External fixators
6. Complications in the bone healing process
Fracture disease
Contracture of the quadriceps muscle
Delayed union – non union
Defective consolidation (malunion)
7. Head fractures
Cranial fractures
Fractures of the zygomatic arch
Fractures of the jaw
8. Forelimb fractures
Scapular fractures
Fractures of the humerus
Fractures of the radius and ulna
Carpal fractures
Fractures of the metacarpus and the metatarsus
9. Hind limb fractures
Hip fractures
Femur fractures
Fractures of the tibia and fibula
Tarsal fractures

Akciós ár: 35 920 Ft helyett 31 270 Ft
Akció ideje: 2024.10.24 - 2025.02.28
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