Physiology and endocrinology of the female; Physiology and endocrinology of the male; Prevention of breeding in the female; Prevention of breeding in the male; Determining breeding status; Clinical approach to the infertile bitch; Clinical approach to the infertile queen; Clinical approach to the infertile male; Artificial insemination in dogs; Pregnancy diagnosis, normal pregnancy and parturition in the bitch; Pregnancy diagnosis, normal pregnancy and parturition in the queen; Clinical approach to unwanted mating and pregnancy termination; Clinical approach to abnormal parturition; Problems during and after parturition; Care of the neonate; Clinical approach to neonatal conditions; Clinical approach to mammary gland disease; Clinical approach to conditions of the non-pregnant and neutered bitch; Clinical approach to conditions of the non-pregnant and neutered queen; Clinical approach to conditions of the male; Clinical relevance of biotechnological advances; Index
Contributors: Eva Axnér (Sweden), Margret Casal (USA), Autumn Davidson (USA), Gary England (UK), Wenche Farstad (Norway), Alain Fontbonne (France), Catharinar Linde-Forsberg (Sweden), Angelika von Heimendahl (UK), Michelle Kitzler (USA), Xavier Levy (France), Cheryl Lopate (USA), Cecilia Luvoni (Italy), Josep Marti (Spain), Stephano Romagnoli (Italy), Hasan Sontas (Italy), Daniele Zambelli (Italy),