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BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Reproduction and Neonatology, 2nd Edition

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Reproduction and Neonatology, 2nd Edition
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 449

ISBN: 978-1-905319-19-0
240 pages
December 2010


Following the success of the first edition, this Manual has been completely updated and reorganized to be even more practical and user-friendly. It follows reproductive medicine from mating, through conception and birth, looking at problems such as infertility and dystocia along the way. Care of the neonate plus conditions that may affect new puppies and kittens are also included. New developments in drugs and in biotechnology are discussed. Full colour photographs and illustrations support the text, which has been prepared by international contributors. 

Table of Contents

Physiology and endocrinology of the female; Physiology and endocrinology of the male; Prevention of breeding in the female; Prevention of breeding in the male; Determining breeding status; Clinical approach to the infertile bitch; Clinical approach to the infertile queen; Clinical approach to the infertile male; Artificial insemination in dogs; Pregnancy diagnosis, normal pregnancy and parturition in the bitch; Pregnancy diagnosis, normal pregnancy and parturition in the queen; Clinical approach to unwanted mating and pregnancy termination;  Clinical approach to abnormal parturition; Problems during and after parturition; Care of the neonate; Clinical approach to neonatal conditions; Clinical approach to mammary gland disease; Clinical approach to conditions of the non-pregnant and neutered bitch; Clinical approach to conditions of the non-pregnant and neutered queen; Clinical approach to conditions of the male; Clinical relevance of biotechnological advances; Index  

Contributors: Eva Axnér (Sweden), Margret Casal (USA), Autumn Davidson (USA), Gary England (UK), Wenche Farstad (Norway), Alain Fontbonne (France), Catharinar Linde-Forsberg (Sweden), Angelika von Heimendahl (UK), Michelle Kitzler (USA), Xavier Levy (France), Cheryl Lopate (USA), Cecilia Luvoni (Italy), Josep Marti (Spain), Stephano Romagnoli (Italy), Hasan Sontas (Italy), Daniele Zambelli (Italy),

Ár: 46 555 Ft
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