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BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Medicine

BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Medicine
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 1422

Anna Meredith (Editor)Brigitte Lord (Editor)

ISBN: 978-1-905-31949-7 March 2014 336 Pages


Rabbits make up a considerable and growing proportion of the caseload in small animal practice, and both interest and knowledge in rabbit medicine and surgery has grown rapidly. In recognition of this, the BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Medicine and Surgery has been superseded by two separate volumes - the BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and Imaging and the BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Medicine.

There is an increased understanding of the pathology of common diseases and greater awareness both of new conditions affecting this species and of their response to both disease and treatment regimes. This new BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Medicine features new chapters such as ‘The rabbit-friendly practice’, ‘Neoplasia’, and ‘Endocrine disease’.  Other chapters have been updated and expanded, and the introduction of new authors has brought fresh insights and opinions to several topics. The authors provide a greater depth and breadth of cover...


List of contributors



1 Biology, anatomy and physiology

Anna Meredith

2 Husbandry

Richard Saunders 

3 Nutrition and feeding

Jenny Prebble

4 Reproduction

Sarah Elliott and Brigitte Lord 

5 Normal behaviour and behaviour problems

E. Anne McBride

6 The rabbit-friendly practice

Molly Varga 

7 Physical examination and clinical techniques

Jenna Richardson and Emma Keeble

8 General nursing care and hospital management

Wendy Bament and Gidona Goodman 

9 Clinical pathology

Petra Wesche 

10 Analgesia, sedation and anaesthesia

Kevin Eatwell 

11 Respiratory disease

Joanna Hedley

12 Digestive system disease

Frances Harcourt-Brown 

13 Urogenital system and reproductive disease

Elisabetta Mancinelli and Brigitte Lord 

14 Cardiovascular disease

Connie Orcutt

15 Nervous system and musculoskeletal disorders

Emma Keeble 

16 Ophthalmology

Tim Knott 

17 Dermatoses

Anna Meredith 

18 Neoplasia

Molly Varga 

19 Endocrine disease

Angela M. Lennox and Kellie A. Fecteau 

20 Problems of the geriatric rabbit

John Chitty

21 Therapeutics

Richard Saunders 

22 Approach to common conditions

Anna Meredith and Brigitte Lord


1 Common diseases of rabbits

Anna Meredith and Brigitte Lord

2 Differential diagnoses based on clinical signs

Anna Meredith and Brigitte Lord

3 Dorsal immobility response

Sally Everitt


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