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Dellman`s Textbook of Veterinary Histology

Dellman`s Textbook of Veterinary Histology
15 - 35 napon belül beszerezzük (Átmenetileg bizonytalan)

Cikkszám: 202

ISBN: 978-0-7817-4148-4
416 pages
July 2006, Wiley-Blackwell

The leading veterinary histology text returns with a fully updated sixth edition. Written in a concise, easy-to-understand that`s a pleasure to read, this new edition continues the student-friendly tradition originated by Dr. Dellman, presenting the basics of histology including cytology and microscopic anatomy.

The Sixth Edition focuses on the most current knowledge of cell, tissue and organ structure and function. All information has been fully revised and updated by the authors, both experts in their fields. Written with first year veterinary students in mind, it is also an important resource for veterinarians, graduate students, and others who require information on animal tissue structure and function.

Table of Contents

1. Cytology.

2. Epithelium.

3. Connective and Supportive Tissues.

4. Blood and Bone Marrow.

5. Muscle.

6. Nervous Tissue.

7. Cardiovascular System.

8. Immune System.

9. Respiratory System.

10. Digestive System.

11. Urinary System.

12. Male Reproductive System.

13. Female Reproductive System.

14. Placentation.

15. Endocrine System.

16. Integument.

17. Eye.

18. Ear.

Akciós ár: 49 830 Ft helyett 43 850 Ft
Akció ideje: 2024.09.26 - 2025.02.28
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