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Diseases of Poultry, 2 Volume Set, 14th Edition

Diseases of Poultry, 2 Volume Set, 14th Edition
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 1328

Szerzők: David E. Swayne (Editor-in-Chief), Martine Boulianne (Associate Editor), Catherine M. Logue (Associate Editor), Larry R. McDougald (Associate Editor), Venugopal Nair (Associate Editor), David L. Suarez (Associate Editor)

ISBN: 978-1-119-37117-5 November 2019 Wiley-Blackwell 1488 Pages

Kiadó: WILEY

Lista ár: 202,95 GBP + áfa

Megjelenés: 2020

Kötés: Keménytáblás-cérnafűzött, két kötetes

Oldalszám: 1504

Illusztrációk: Színes és ff képek és táblázatok


The most complete and definitive reference to all aspects of poultry diseases, Diseases of Poultry, Fourteenth Edition has been fully revised and updated to offer a comprehensive survey of current knowledge. 

  • Updates the definitive reference of poultry health and disease
  • Provides more clinically relevant information on management of specific diseases, contributed by clinical poultry veterinarians
  • Offers information on disease control in organic and antibiotic-free production
  • Presents more concise, streamlined chapters for ease of use
  • Incorporates advances in the field, from new diagnostic tools and information to changes brought about by the increasing globalization and the re-emergence of zoonotic pathogens


Preface xi

Introduction xix

Contributors xxv

Section I: General Concepts of Poultry Diseases

1 Principles of Disease Prevention, Diagnosis, and Control

S.R. Collett

Principles of Disease Prevention, Diagnosis, and Control Introduction
S.R. Collett and J.A. Smith

Disease Prevention and Control in Antibiotic-Free Production
J.A. Smith, M. Boulianne, R.L. Owen, and E. Gingerich

Antimicrobial Therapy (Including Resistance)
R.S. Singer, T.J. Johnson and C.L. Hofacre

Public Health Significance of Poultry Diseases
R.D. Berghaus and B. Stewart-Brown

2 Host Factors for Disease Resistance

S. Rautenschlein

The Avian Immune System
S. Rautenschlein

Genetics of Disease Resistance
H.H. Cheng and S.J. Lamont

Section II: Viral Diseases

3 Newcastle Disease, Other Avian Paramyxoviruses, and Avian Metapneumovirus Infections

D.L. Suarez

Newcastle Disease,
P.J. Miller and G. Koch

Avian Paramyxoviruses 2–11
E. Mundt

Avian Metapneumovirus
S. Rautenschlein

4 Infectious Bronchitis
M.W. Jackwood and S. de Wit

5 Infectious Laryngotracheitis
M. García and S. Spatz

6 Influenza
D.E. Swayne, D.L. Suarez, and L.D. Sims

7 Infectious Bursal Disease
N. Eterradossi and Y.M. Saif

8 Chicken Infectious Anemia and Circovirus Infections in Commercial Flocks
K.A. Schat and V.L. van Santen

9 Adenovirus Infections

S.D. Fitzgerald

Aviadenovirus Infections
M. Hess

Atadenovirus (Egg Drop Syndrome and Related Infections)
J.A. Smyth

Hemorrhagic Enteritis and Related Infections
S. Rautenschlein, H.M. Mahsoub, S.D. Fitzgerald, and F.W. Pierson

Quail Bronchitis
W.M. Reed and S.W. Jack

10 Pox
D.N. Tripathy and W.M. Reed

11 Avian Reovirus Infections
J. Pitcovski and S.M. Goyal

12 Viral Enteric Infections

Y.M. Saif

Turkey Coronavirus Enteritis
J.S. Guy

Rotavirus Infections
J.M. Day

Astrovirus Infections
G. Cattoli

Avian Enterovirus-Like Virus Infections
C.S. Hayhow

Enteric Parvovirus Infections of Chickens and Turkeys
J.M. Day

13 Viral Infections of Waterfowl

S.T. Stoute

Duck Hepatitis
H.-J. Tsai

Duck Virus Enteritis (Duck Plague)
S.A. Metwally and A. Cheng

Hemorrhagic Nephritis Enteritis of Geese

Parvovirus Infections of Waterfowl, V.J. Palya

14 Other Viral Infections

Y.M. Saif

Columbid alphaherpesvirus-1 (Pigeon herpesvirus 1)
D. Marlie

Avian Nephritis
V.J. Smyth and A. Noormohammadi

Arbovirus Infections
J.S. Guy

Turkey Viral Hepatitis
J.S. Guy

Avian Encephalomyelitis
D.L. Suarez

Avian Hepatitis E Virus Infections
X.J. Meng and H.L. Shivaprasad

15 Neoplastic Diseases

V. Nair

Marek’s Disease
V. Nair, I. Gimeno and J. Dunn

Leukosis/Sarcoma Group
V. Nair

G. Zavala, and V. Nair

Other Tumors
S.M. Williams, R.L. Reece, and S. Hafner

Section III: Bacterial Diseases

16 Salmonella Infections
R.K. Gast and R.E. Porter, Jr.

17 Campylobacteriosis
Q. Zhang and O. Sahin

18 Colibacillosis
L.K. Nolan, J.-P. Vaillancourt, N.L. Barbieri and C.M. Logue

19 Pasteurellosis and Other Respiratory Bacterial Infections

M. Boulianne

Fowl Cholera
P. Blackall and C.L. Hofacre

Riemerella anatipestifer Infection
J.A. Ruiz and T.S. Sandhu

Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale Infection
H.M. Hafez and R.P. Chin

Bordetellosis (Turkey Coryza)
K.B. Register and M.W. Jackwood

20 Infectious Coryza and Related Bacterial Infections
P.J. Blackall and E. Soriano-Vargas

21 Mycoplasmosis

N. Ferguson-Noel

Mycoplasma gallisepticum Infection
N.K. Armour

Mycoplasma synoviae Infection
N. Ferguson-Noel and A.H. Noormohammadi

Mycoplasma iowae Infection
Mohamed El-Gazzar and Janet M. Bradbury

Other Mycoplasmal Infections
N. Ferguson-Noel

22 Clostridial Diseases

M. Boulianne

Ulcerative Enteritis
F.A. Uzal

Necrotic Enteritis
K. Opengart and M. Boulianne

M. Boulianne and F.A. Uzal

Gangrenous Dermatitis
K. Opengart

23 Other Bacterial Diseases

C.M. Logue

C.B. Andreasen

Streptococcus and Enterococcus
L.B. Borst

H. Eriksson

Avian Intestinal Spirochetosis
D.J. Hampson

S. Sanchez, and R.M. Fulton

Miscellaneous and Sporadic Bacterial Infections
T. Abdul-Aziz

24 Avian Chlamydiosis
D. Vanrompay

Section IV: Fungal Diseases

25 Fungal Infections
P. Arné and M.D. Lee

Section V: Parasitic Diseases

26 External Parasites and Poultry Pests
N.C. Hinkle and R.M. Corrigan

27 Internal Parasites
L.R. McDougald

28 Protozoal Infections

L.R. McDougald

H.M. Cervantes, L.R. McDougald and M.C. Jenkins

L.R. McDougald

Histomoniasis (Blackhead) and Other Protozoan Diseases of the Intestinal Tract
M. Hess and L.R. McDougald

Miscellaneous and Sporadic Protozoal Infections
R. Beckstead

Section VI: Noninfectious Diseases

29 Nutritional Diseases
K.C. Klasing and D.R. Korver

30 Developmental, Metabolic, and Other Noninfectious Disorders
R. Crespo

31 Mycotoxicoses
F.J. Hoerr

32 Toxins and Poisons
R.M. Fulton

Section VII: Other Diseases

33 Emerging Diseases and Diseases of Complex or Unknown Etiology

Y.M. Saif and D.E. Swayne

Multicausal Respiratory Diseases
M.J. Pantin-Jackwood and E. Spackman

Multicausal Enteric Diseases
T.J. Johnson and J.M. Day

White Chick Syndrome
J.D. French

Focal Duodenal Necrosis in Table Egg Layers
E. Gingerich

Wooden Breast and Other Muscle Abnormalities
S.F. Bilgili

Idiopathic Egg Production Drops in Brown Layers
K. Jones, G. Boggan and M. Markis


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Akció ideje: 2024.10.31 - 2025.02.28
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