Equine Endocrinology

Equine Endocrinology
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 2038

By: François-René Bertin, The University of Queensland, Australia, Natalie S Fraser, The University of Queensland, Australia

September 2020 | Paperback | 152 Pages | 9781789241099

September 2020 | ePDF 9781789241105 | ePub 9781789241112


This book provides a practical, clinical approach to diagnosing, treating, and managing endocrine diseases in the horse. Each chapter uses the same structure to form a user-friendly tool of information and advice on aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment for each endocrine disorder.

This book covers:
- approaches to endocrine disorders;
- diseases of the hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid axis;
- disorders in calcium regulation and diseases of the parathyroid gland;
- diseases of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axes;
- diseases of the endocrine pancreas and Equine Metabolic Syndrome;
- hyperlipaemia and lipid metabolism disorders; and
- endocrine disorders associated with the female and male reproductive systems.

This book also includes material on additional endocrinopathies, such as diabetes insipidus and pheochromocytoma, and is dedicated to the fast-moving field of equine endocrinology. Written by world-leading international experts, it collates their insights and experience into approaches that prove invaluable for general equine practitioners.

Table of contents

  • Chapter 1: Clinical approach to equine endocrinology
  • Chapter 2: Diseases of the thyroid gland and the hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid axis
  • Chapter 3: Calcium regulation and diseases of the parathyroid gland
  • Chapter 4: Diseases of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis
  • Chapter 5: Diseases of the endocrine pancreas and Equine Metabolic Syndrome
  • Chapter 6: Hyperlipaemia and lipid metabolism disorders
  • Chapter 7: Additional endocrinopathies
  • Chapter 8: Diseases of the female reproductive system
  • Chapter 9: Diseases of the male reproductive system
Akciós ár: 27 850 Ft helyett 24 540 Ft
Akció ideje: 2020.10.31 - 2024.05.31
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