Cikkszám: 10037
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Szerző(k): Kenneth W Hinchcliff & Andris J. Kaneps & Raymond J. Geor & Emmanuelle Van Erck-Westergen
ISBN: 9780702083709
Nyelv: Angol
Oldalszám: 1.440 oldal
Illusztrációk: Színes képek, ábrák és táblázatok
Kötés: Puhatáblás
Mintaoldalak: KATT
Key Features
- NEW! Chapters in this edition include:
- History of Equine Exercise Physiology
- Welfare of Equine Athletes in Sport and the Social License to Operate
- The Connected Horse (focusing on innovative, cloud-based technologies used to monitor athletic horses)
- Conditioning of the Equine Athlete
- Principles of Sport Horse Farriery
- Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Respiratory Disease in Populations of Athletic Horses
- Behavior and Behavioral Abnormalities in Athletic Horses
- Vision and Disorders of Vision in Performance Horses
- Detection of Drug Use in Athletic Horses
- Drug Effects on Performance of the Equine Athlete
- Comprehensive coverage is based on sound research and evidence-based practice and provides an understanding of the physiologic processes underlying the responses of horses to exercise and physical conditioning — from musculoskeletal and respiratory disorders to nutrition and physical rehabilitation.
- International perspective on equine athletics includes guidelines pertinent to different geographic areas and racing jurisdictions.
- More than 1,000 images include medical illustrations and clinical photos depicting equine anatomy, testing, and treatment scenarios, as well as radiographic, ultrasonographic, CAT, and MRI imaging to support understanding and diagnosis.
- Coverage of abnormalities of the upper airway is now divided into two chapters: Disease of the Nasopharynx and Diseases of the Larynx and Trachea.
- Coverage of diseases of the heart is divided into two chapters: Arrhythmias and Abnormalities of the Cardiac Conduction System and Structural Heart Disease, Cardiomyopathy, and Diseases of Large Vessels.
- eBook version, included with print purchase, gives you the power to access all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
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