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Gracey`s Meat Hygiene, 11th Edition

Gracey`s Meat Hygiene, 11th Edition
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 729

David S. Collins (Editor), Robert J. Huey (Editor)

ISBN: 978-1-118-65001-1

Nov 2014, Wiley-Blackwell

352 pages


Gracey’s Meat Hygiene, Eleventh Edition is the definitive reference for veterinarians working in meat hygiene control.  This new edition of a classic text reflects the recent significant changes in science, legislation and practical implementation of meat hygiene controls in the UK, Europe and worldwide since the 10th edition was published in 1999.  An excellent practical guide for teaching food hygiene to veterinary students worldwide, in addition to laying the foundations of food animal anatomy, pathology and disease.  New chapters address the increased concern of both the public and inspectors to issues of animal welfare and recognise the role of the profession, and interest from the consumer, in environmental protection.

Key features include:

  • Fully updated new edition, in a refreshed design with colour photographs and illustrations throughout. 
  • Includes new content on meat hygiene inspection covering the components of an integrated food safety management system as well as animal health and welfare controls in the ‘farm to fork’ system.
  • A practical approach to health and safety in meat processing is outlined by identifying the hazards and then describing how these can best be controlled.
  • With contributions from veterinary and industry experts, this edition is both a valuable teaching aid and a practical reference for veterinarians and all food business operators and their staff.

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