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Hawkey`s Atlas of Wild and Exotic Animal Haematology

Hawkey`s Atlas of Wild and Exotic Animal Haematology
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 1643

ISBN 9780367257019
Published December 3, 2020 by CRC Press
288 Pages 717 Color & 12 B/W Illustrations

Book Description

This revised, updated and expanded edition of Christine Hawkey’s A Colour Atlas of Comparative Veterinary Haematology is bursting with high-quality images to aid identification of blood cells and haemoparasites in the different species commonly seen in private practice and zoological collections. It will assist veterinarians in the identification of normal and abnormal blood cells and in understanding the structural differences of blood cells between the various taxa within the Animal Kingdom. With the help of this guide, readers will be able to understand haemoresponses in the presence of specific and non-specific disease processes and identify haemoparasites commonly seen in blood films from wild and exotic animals.

This impressively illustrated comparative haematology atlas is unrivalled in its scope, quality and accuracy. It is a must-have for veterinary students, veterinary surgeons working in general and referral veterinary clinical practices, clinicians working in zoological collections and specialists in exotic animal medicine.

Table of Contents




About the Editors


In Memoriam

1. General Introduction

Section A: Basic Wild and Exotic Animal Haematology

2. Haematopoiesis

3. Normal and Abnormal Red Blood Cells

4. Normal and Abnormal White Blood Cells

5. Normal and Abnormal Platelets and Thrombocytes

Section B: Atlas of Wild and Exotic Animal Haematology

6. Normal and Abnormal Blood Cells

Section C: Atlas of Wild and Exotic Animal Haemoparasites

7. Blood Parasites

Section D: Appendix: Normal Haematology Reference Values in Selected Wild and Exotic Animals






Jaime Samour is a veterinary surgeon that has devoted the best part of his professional life to falcon medicine. He graduated with honours at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Veracruz, Mexico in 1978. After a short period of time in his native El Salvador working in private practice, he returned to Veracruz and became an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In 1981, Jaime travelled to London to study and to carry out research projects in reptilian and avian medicine at the Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London. He learned and practiced haematology under the supervision of Dr Christine Hawkey and Mike Hart. He was awarded a PhD degree on reproductive biology in birds by the Royal Veterinary College, University of London in 1987. Jaime was recipient of the British Veterinary Zoological Society/Parke-Davies/Upjohn Award in 1998 and the Ted Lafeber Avian Practitioner of the Year Award in 2006. Jaime was awarded Diplomate status of the European College of Zoological Medicine in the Avian Specialty in 2004 and became Professor of Raptor Medicine at the Veterinary College, University of Parma, Italy in 2018.

Mike worked at the Haematology Unit of the Animal Hospital, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, headed by Dr. Christine Hawkey, from 1969 to 1991. After retiring from ZSL, he worked from 1991 to 2013 at various commercial veterinary diagnostic laboratories specializing in wild and exotic animal haematology in the UK. Mike is a founder member and former committee member of Association of Comparative Haematology, former member of the editorial board of Comparative Haematology International, former member of the editorial board of the Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians, former reviewer of exotic animal haematology for the Veterinary Record. He is an Honorary Member of the British Veterinary Zoological Society.


This revised, updated and expanded edition of Christine Hawkey’s A Colour Atlas of Comparative Veterinary Haematology is a must-have reference for any avian and exotic practice, zoological institution and research facility. This is an excellent reference book for clinicians, in both general practice and referral centres, for veterinary nurses and veterinary students, with high-quality images to understand and interpret blood cells and haemoparasites covering a vast range of species. The Atlas is produced by Jaime Samour and Mike Hart, both world-renowned, with a wealth of experience and knowledge in their field together with contributors in diverse disciplines from around the globe.

This Atlas uses impressive images that originated from blood samples obtained from animals seen in clinical practice from at least 15 countries, from animals housed in zoological collections and from animals in their natural environment. The images cover morphological variation in mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates, followed by detailed images of morphology associated with different disease processes. This text is an excellent resource for understanding haemoresponses to pathological insults and disease.

The general introduction is invaluable, describing best practice to collect blood samples (or haemolymph in invertebrates) from the various taxa and the authors provide clear, detailed, pictures with a concise description on how to achieve successful sampling techniques. Detailed blood collection images are extensive and show pictures of sampling from the more familiar species seen in general practice such as rabbits and rodents, plus wildlife and zoological specimens such as the European beaver, Asian short-clawed otter, tiger, elephant and zebra. There are high-quality photographs accompanied by concise, but detailed, text describing sample collection from marsupials, cetaceans, and pinnipeds. The general introduction also gives in detail practical advice on blood collection from various avian species, to include the different sampling sites such as the medial metatarsal vein, the ulnar or basilic vein and the right jugular vein. Similarly, it clearly describes and demonstrates various sampling sites for diverse reptile and amphibian taxa. The closing of the introduction covers sample collection from fish, and it was very encouraging, in view of growing interest in the subject and the work of the Veterinary Invertebrate Society (VIS) to see "animals without backbones" invertebrates featured in the book, with two detailed images depicting sample collection from theraphosid spiders.

Section A covers haematology in wild and exotic animals, relating haematopoiesis, normal and abnormal red blood cells, normal and abnormal white blood cells and normal and abnormal platelets and thrombocytes across the taxa. Section B is the actual atlas of wild and exotic animal haematology, encompassing lots of full-colour photographs and illustrations that highlight normal and abnormal blood cells across the taxa. The book is easy to understand with the descriptions interpreting the haematological changes seen within the images. Section C consists of photographs and detailed descriptions on haemoparasites observed across the taxa. Section D provides a comprehensive range of normal haematology reference values for selected exotic and wild animals; this will be of great value to the clinician.

In summary, this is a great book and an essential reference guide for any practice that sees exotics, especially if in-house laboratory testing is performed. The Atlas provides the reader with an insight into the variation in blood cell morphology encountered in normal free-living species and in animals seen in zoological collections and clinical practice. All the photographs and images highlight key concepts; the introduction is an invaluable aid to gold-standard sampling techniques and it also offers practical advice in addition to demonstrating both normal and pathological changes. The Atlas has a logical organisation, with clear sections throughout, which makes it easy to gather information required in the field or clinic. A Colour Atlas of Comparative Veterinary Haematology will remain current for many years and is well- worth purchasing.

Sarah Pellett BSc(Hons) MA VetMB CertAVP (ZM) DZooMed (Reptilian) MRCVS, RCVS Recognised Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine

Akciós ár: 53 410 Ft helyett 44 930 Ft
Akció ideje: 2021.03.09 - 2025.02.28
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