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Manual of Equine Lameness, 2nd Edition

Manual of Equine Lameness, 2nd Edition
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 3722

Szerző: Gary M. Baxter

ISBN: 978-1-119-74707-9

Várható megjelenés: 2022. Március

Kiadó: Wiley-Blackwell

Oldalszám: 464 Pages




Discover a concise and accessible guide to diagnosing and managing lameness in horses

The revised Second Edition of Manual of Equine Lameness offers a concise and accessible manual of lameness diagnosis and treatment in horses. Perfect for use as a quick reference, this book provides straightforward access to the essentials of equine lameness, including the clinical assessment of the horse and commonly performed diagnostic nerve blocks and the most common conditions of the foot, forelimb, and hindlimb that may be contributing to the lameness. Current therapeutic options to treat lameness are also discussed, as well as guidance on how to manage musculoskeletal emergencies. The content has been distilled from the authoritative Seventh Edition of Adams and Stashak’s Lameness in Horses, and this new edition has been re-envisioned to be even quicker and easier to navigate than the previous version.

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Chapter 1. Assessment of the lame horse

a. History, visual exam and palpation

b. Subjective assessment of lameness

c. Objective assessment of lameness

d. Perineural anesthesia

e. Intrasynovial anesthesia

Chapter 2. Common conditions of the foot

a. Navicular region and soft tissue injuries of the foot

b. Coffin joint and distal phalanx

c. Miscellaneous conditions of the foot

d. Laminitis

e. Foot care and farriery

Chapter 3. Common conditions of the forelimb

a. Pastern

b. Fetlock

c. Metacarpus/metatarsus

d. Carpus

e. Antebrachium, elbow and humerus

f. Shoulder and scapula

Chapter 4. Common conditions of the hindlimb

a. Tarsus

b. Tibia and crus

c. Stifle – femoropatellar region

d. Stifle - femorotibial region

e. Femur and coxofemoral region

Chapter 5. Common conditions of the axial skeleton

a. Pelvis

b. Sacroiliac region

c. Thoracolumbar region/back

d. Neck and poll

Chapter 6. Therapeutic Options

a. Systemic/parenteral

b. Topical/local

c. Intrasynovial

d. Intralesional

e. Oral/Nutritional

f. Rehabilitation/physical therapy

Chapter 7.  Musculoskeletal emergencies

a. Severe unilateral lameness

b. Severely swollen limb

c. Long bone fractures/luxations

d. Synovial infections

e. Tendon lacerations

Ár: 38 680 Ft
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