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Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine - PAPERBACK

Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine - PAPERBACK
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 1862


ISBN 9780367570330
Published June 30, 2020 by CRC Press
728 Pages

Book Description

5* Doody`s Review: 98/100!

Featuring a new author team, this seminal book has been completely updated and significantly expanded. Following an outline of the basic elements of ophthalmic science relevant to study and practice, the authors provide a detailed description and discussion of each condition including etiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy, as well as a section dedicated to presumed inherited eye disorders. The focus throughout remains on the clinical needs of the practitioner and the student.

Beautifully illustrated in full color, the book is aimed at trainee and practicing veterinarians interested in all types of ophthalmic diseases and disorders. Although the focus is on small animals, there is additional material on the horse and the cow. For this edition, a diverse group of authors from many geographic regions of training and practice offer a breadth of clinical expertise.

Table of Contents

Anamnesis and the Ocular Examination. Ophthalmic Pharmacology. Problem-Based Management of Ocular Emergencies. Neuro-Ophthalmic Disorders. Principles of Ophthalmic Surgery. Orbit and Globe. Eyelids. Conjunctiva and Third Eyelid. Lacrimal Apparatus. Cornea and Sclera. Anterior Uvea and Anterior Chamber. Glaucoma. Lens. Vitreous and Ocular Fundus. Presumed Inherited Ocular Diseases.



Charles L. Martin, BS, DVM, MS, Charter Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologist, (ACVO), Emeritus Diplomate ACVO, Professor Emeritus, the University of Georgia, past president of the ACVO and American Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Dr. Martin trained at Washington State University, the University of Pennsylvania, and The Ohio State University and taught at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, the University of Georgia, and Auburn University.

J. Phillip Pickett, DVM, DACVO, Emeritus Professor, Virginia–Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine is a graduate of Louisiana State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Following three years in a mixed practice, he did a residency in Comparative Ophthalmology at the University of Wisconsin, College of Veterinary Medicine. He is a Diplomate of the ACVO. He taught at the University of Wisconsin, and was a faculty member at the Virginia–Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech where he reached the rank of Professor.

Bernhard M. Spiess, DVM, Dr. med. vet., Diplomate, American and European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO/ECVO), Professor Emeritus is Charter Diplomate and past president of the ECVO. He began his career in Switzerland, at the Veterinary School in Lausanne/Zurich, then moved to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at the University of Bern. He completed a residency in veterinary ophthalmology at the University of Guelph, Canada, where he stayed on as Assistant Professor after becoming a Diplomate of ACVO. In 1987, he returned to University of Zurich as Assistant Professor of Veterinary Ophthalmology, becoming full Professor in 1994 and Professor Emeritus in 2015.


The new edition of Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine is the ideal textbook for trainee and practicing veterinarians needing a quick reference in their daily work. Expert veterinary ophthalmologists will also appreciate this updated completely revised edition, the achievement of a teamwork involving three authors and five contributors, outstanding members of the international veterinary ophthalmology community. Hundreds of beautiful pictures and drawings facilitate a quick, easy, practical consultation and allow direct comparison to clinical cases. For each ophthalmic disease and disorder, the authors provide a detailed description of diagnosis, aetiology, clinical signs, prognosis and therapy. Although the main focus is on small animal species, the readers will appreciate the interesting comparative notes on the horse and the cow, and a section dedicated to presumed inherited eye disorders. Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine deserves a special space in the library of everyone interested in veterinary ophthalmology. Actually, it is a book to leave on your desk for daily use, so that you can read the notes and show the pictures to owners to help explain what is happening in their pet’s eyes.

Claudio Peruccio, DVM, SCMPA, Dipl ECVO, Hon Dipl ACVO, MRCVS, EBVS® European & RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology

The most recent edition of Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine is a welcome addition to the body of literature in veterinary ophthalmology. This text is certainly straightforward and pragmatic enough to be valuable in the library of the general practitioner. But such a statement belies the 700 pages of depth, detail and scholarship that the specialist in veterinary ophthalmology will find extremely useful and informative; indeed, this text will become required reading for my ophthalmology residents. It is obvious that this work has fallen under the watchful eye

Akciós ár: 45 940 Ft helyett 41 920 Ft
Akció ideje: 2021.10.02 - 2025.02.28
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