Preface to the second edition ix
Acknowledgements xi
Disclaimer xii
1 The diagnostic approach 1
Taking the history 1
Clinical examination 3
Diagnostic tests 4
References and Further reading 12
2 Pruritus 13
Contagious conditions 14
Ectoparasitic infestations 14
Free-living mite infestations 19
Helminth infestations 23
Microbial infections 24
conditions 26
Hypersensitivity disorders 27
Immune-mediated disease 35
Neoplasia 35
Neurogenic pruritus 35
References and Further reading 36
3 Crusting and Scaling 37
Idiopathic seborrhoeic conditions 37
Secondary, acquired keratinisation and crusting disorders 40
Infectious causes 40
Immune-mediated causes 52
Environmental causes 61
Uncertain aetiology 63
References and Further reading 75
4 Ulcers and Erosions 77
Contagious causes 77
Immune-mediated causes 83
Congenital and hereditary causes 90
Environmental causes 95
Neoplastic causes 99
Miscellaneous dermatoses 99
References and Further reading 105
5 Papules, Nodules, and Masses 106
Physical conditions 106
Cysts 110
Viral conditions 113
Bacterial infections 119
Fungal infections 128
Parasitic conditions 132
Immune-mediated conditions 135
Neoplasia 140
Miscellaneous causes 154
References and Further reading 166
6 Coat Problems 168
Alopecia 168
Other abnormalities 178
References and Further reading 182
Contents vii
7 Pigmentary Disorders 183
Genetics of skin and coat colour 183
Hypopigmentation disorders 185
Hyperpigmentation 192
References and Further reading 192
8 Therapy in Equine Dermatology 193
Availability of veterinary medicines for equine patients 193
References and Further reading 194
Index 196