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Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery, 2nd edition, Self Assesment Color Review

Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery, 2nd edition, Self Assesment Color Review
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 299

October 10, 2014 by CRC Press
Professional - 232 Pages - 272 B/W Illustrations


  • Presents nearly 200 new cases that simulate those appearing in an actual veterinary practice
  • Uses a self-assessment format with integrated questions, illustrations, and detailed explanations
  • Educates on the larger picture while providing answers for specific issues


Presented in a question-and-answer format with all new cases, this new edition of a bestselling book provides a broad overview of small animal soft tissue surgery. Clinical cases appear in random order to simulate the way they might appear in an actual veterinary practice. Cases include photos, a description of presenting symptoms, and questions the veterinarian must answer in order to arrive at the correct diagnosis and to plan proper treatment. Complete answers are provided for each question.

This practical structure with integrated questions, illustrations, and detailed explanations is designed to educate as well as to provide answers. Veterinary students, general practitioners, surgical residents, and specialists with an interest in soft tissue surgery will find Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery: Self-Assessment Color Review, Second Edition an essential resource.


Akciós ár: 19 430 Ft helyett 15 940 Ft
Akció ideje: 2015.01.27 - 2025.02.28
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