Cikkszám: 591
Authors: Stephen J. Ettinger & Edward C. Feldman & Etienne Cote
9780323312110 | |
E-ISBN | 9780323312394 |
Author Information | By Stephen J. Ettinger, DVM, DACVIM, Edward C. Feldman, DVM, DACVIM and Etienne Cote, DVM, DACVIM(Cardiology and Small Animal Internal Medicine) |
Copy Right Year | 2017 |
Edition Number | 8 |
Format | Book |
Format Size | 276 x 216 (8 1/2 x 10 7/8) |
Illustrations | Approx. 1220 illustrations (1220 in full color) |
Imprint | Saunders |
Publication Date | 28 Dec 2016 |
Now in its 7th edition, this popular, must-have text remains the only encyclopedic resource for veterinary internal medical problems. The internationally acclaimed "gold standard" offers unparalleled coverage of pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting dogs and cats, as well as the latest information on the genome, clinical genomics, euthanasia, innocent heart murmurs, hyperbaric medicine, home prepared and raw diets, obesity, botulism, artificial pacing of the heart, cancer vaccines, and more. The 7th edition combines the convenience of a two-volume printed textbook with the enhanced functionality of an Expert Consult website that enables you to electronically search your entire book and study more efficiently. With instant access to the most reliable information available, you`ll always be at the forefront of veterinary care!
Key Features
- Fully searchable online text provides fast, easy access to the most reliable information in the field. Additional online features include references linked directly to PubMed, client information sheets, and dozens of supplementary figures, tables, algorithms, and boxes.
- Complete library of 500+ original clinical videos demonstrates physical signs, procedures, and management approaches.
- Hundreds of diagnostic and procedural video clips vividly demonstrate veterinary procedures and signs of common diseases and disorders that might be difficult to diagnose from descriptions alone.
- 256 client information sheets offer additional resources as concise, professional, laypersons` handouts to enhance communication with clients.
- 214 clinical algorithms aid in disease identification and decision making.
- Exclusive access to Expert Consult Online website allows the full text to be accessed on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone, with full search capability. The online consult also houses the full library of video clips, algorithms, images, heart and lung sounds, and client information sheets.
New to this Edition
- NEW! A complete section on minimally-invasive interventional procedures includes techniques for treating respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, urologic/nephrologic, and neoplastic disorders.
- NEW! 17 new chapters cover the major clinicopathologic abnormalities that occur in canine and feline laboratory testing.
- NEW! A complete section on management of mutually-antagonistic comorbidities includes concurrent cardiac and renal disease, concurrent infection in patients requiring immunosuppression, and concurrent diabetes mellitus and corticosteroid-dependent disease.
Author Information
By Stephen J. Ettinger, DVM, DACVIM, Pet DRx Corporation, California Animal Hospital Veterinary Specialty Group, Los Angeles, CA; Edward C. Feldman, DVM, DACVIM, Department of Medicine and Epidemiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, CA and Etienne Cote, DVM, DACVIM(Cardiology and Small Animal Internal Medicine), Associate Professor, Department of Companion Animals, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PE, Canada
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