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Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease, 2nd Edition

Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease, 2nd Edition
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 207

October 2011, ©2011, Wiley-Blackwell
Microbiology is one of the core subjects for veterinary students, and since its first publication in 2002, Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease has become an essential text for students of veterinary medicine. Fully revised and expanded, this new edition updates the subject for pre-clinical and clinical veterinary students in a comprehensive manner. Individual sections deal with bacteriology, mycology and virology. Written by an academic team with many years of teaching experience, the book provides concise descriptions of groups of microorganisms and the diseases which they cause. Microbial pathogens are discussed in separate chapters which provide information on the more important features of each microorganism and its role in the pathogenesis of diseases of animals. The international and public health significance of these pathogens are reviewed comprehensively. The final section is concerned with the host and is organized according to the body system affected.

Tables, boxes and flow diagrams provide information in an easily assimilated format. This edition contains new chapters on molecular diagnostics and on infectious conditions of the skin, cardiovascular system, urinary tract and musculoskeletal system. Many new colour diagrams are incorporated into this edition and each chapter has been updated.

Key features of this edition:

  • Twelve new chapters included
  • Numerous new illustrations
  • Each chapter has been updated
  • Completely re-designed in full colour
  • Fulfils the needs of veterinary students and academics in veterinary microbiology
  • Companion website with figures from the book as Powerpoints for viewing or downloading by chapter: www.wiley.com/go/quinn/veterinarymicrobiology

Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease remains indispensable for all those studying and teaching this essential component of the veterinary curriculum.

Table of Contents
Preface ix

Acknowledgements x

Author biographies xi

Section I Introduction to Microbiology,

Infection, Immunity and Molecular

Diagnostic Methods

1 Microbiology, microbial pathogens

and infectious disease 3

2 Subdivisions, classifi cation and morphological characterization of infectious agents 7

3 Infection and immunity 14

4 Immunodefi ciency diseases 67

5 Vaccines and vaccination 80

6 Molecular diagnostic methods 95

Section II Introductory Bacteriology

7 The structure of bacterial cells 115

8 Cultivation, preservation and inactivation of bacteria 123

9 Bacterial genetics, mechanisms of genetic variation and gene databases 129

10 Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial disease 143

11 Antibacterial agents 149

12 Antibacterial resistance 157

13 Bacterial colonization, tissue invasion and clinical disease 165

Section III Pathogenic Bacteria

14 Staphylococcus species 179

15 Streptococci 188

16 Actinobacteria 196

17 Corynebacterium species 207

18 Rhodococcus equi 213

19 Listeria species 217

20 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 222

21 Bacillus species 227

22 Clostridium species 233

23 Mycobacterium species 250

24 Enterobacteriaceae 263

25 Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia species 287

26 Actinobacillus species 293

27 Pasteurella species, Mannheimia haemolytica and Bibersteinia trehalosi 300

28 Francisella tularensis 309

29 Histophilus somni, Haemophilus parasuis and Avibacterium paragallinarum 314

30 Taylorella species 321

31 Bordetella species 325

32 Moraxella species 330

33 Brucella species 334

34 Campylobacter and Helicobacter species 342

35 Lawsonia intracellularis 351

36 Spirochaetes 354

37 Pathogenic anaerobic non-spore-forming Gram-negative bacteria 367

38 Mycoplasmas 373

39 Chlamydia and Chlamydophila species 384

40 Rickettsiales and Coxiella burnetii 394

41 Bacterial species of limited pathogenic signifi cance 405

Section IV Mycology

42 General features of fungi associated with disease in animals 413

43 Dermatophytes 419

44 Aspergillus species 425

45 Yeasts and disease production 430

46 Dimorphic fungi 439

47 Zygomycetes of veterinary importance 446

48 Fungus-like organisms of veterinary importance 452

49 Pneumocystis carinii 457

50 Opportunistic infections caused predominantly by phaeoid fungi 459

51 Mycotoxins and mycotoxicoses 463

52 Pathogenic algae and cyanobacteria 478

53 Antifungal chemotherapy 483

Section V Introductory Virology

54 Nature, structure and taxonomy of viruses 505

55 Replication of viruses 514

56 Genetics and evolution of viruses 522

57 Propagation of viruses and virus–cell interactions 527

58 Pathogenesis of viral diseases 534

59 Laboratory diagnosis of viral infections 541

60 Antiviral chemotherapy 548

Section VI Viruses and Prions

61 Herpesviridae 567

62 Papillomaviridae 583

63 Adenoviridae 588

64 Poxviridae 593

65 Asfarviridae 603

66 Parvoviridae 607

67 Circoviridae 615

68 Retroviridae 618

69 Reoviridae 635

70 Birnaviridae 644

71 Orthomyxoviridae 647

72 Paramyxoviridae 656

73 Rhabdoviridae 668

74 Bornaviridae 676

75 Bunyaviridae 679

76 Picornaviridae 684

77 Caliciviridae 692

78 Astroviridae 698

79 Coronaviridae 700

80 Arteriviridae 713

81 Flaviviridae 718

82 Togaviridae 729

83 Prions: unconventional infectious agents 734

Section VII Microbial Agents and Disease Production

84 Tissue and system preferences of bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens and the nature of the diseases caused by these infectious agents 745

85 Interactions of microbial pathogens with the nervous system 759

86 Interactions of microbial pathogens with the male and female reproductive systems 765

87 The role of microbial pathogens in intestinal disease 773

88 The role of microbial pathogens in respiratory disease 778

89 Interactions of microbial pathogens with the renal system 787

90 Microbial diseases of the cardiovascular system 797

91 Interactions of microbial pathogens with the musculoskeletal system 806

92 The role of microbial pathogens in diseases of the integumentary system 826

93 Bacterial causes of bovine mastitis 837

94 Disinfection, biosecurity and other aspects of disease control 851

Appendix: Relevant websites 890

Index 893

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Akció ideje: 2016.03.05 - 2025.02.28
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