Contributors ix
Common Terminologies and Abbreviations xi
Chapter 1. Functional Anatomy of the Equine Musculoskeletal System 3
Anatomic Nomenclature and Usage 3
Thoracic Limb 3
Hindlimb 32
Axial Components 56
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Lameness Diagnosis 65
Definition of Lameness 65
Classification of Lameness 66
What to Look For 66
Anatomic Problem Areas 75
Occupation-related Problem Areas 75
Evaluation of Foals with Lameness 76
Performing a Prepurchase Examination 78
Chapter 3. Assessment of the Lame Horse 83
History 83
Signalment and Use 83
Visual Examination at Rest 83
Palpation and Manipulation 84
Visual Exam at Exercise 107
Flexion Tests/Manipulation 108
Perineural Anesthesia 114
Intrasynovial Anesthesia 124
Chapter 4. Imaging 149
Radiography 149
Ultrasound 168
Nuclear Medicine 189
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 202
Computed Tomography 214
Chapter 5. Common Conditions of the Foot 225
Navicular Disease/Syndrome 225
Fractures of the Navicular (Distal Sesamoid) Bone 229
Injuries to the DDFT and Podotrochlear Apparatus 231
Injuries to the Collateral Ligaments (CLs) of the DIP Joint 232
Osteoarthritis (OA) of the DIP Joint 234
Fractures of the Distal Phalanx (P3, Coffin Bone) 235
Pedal Osteitis (PO) 239
Subchondral Cystic Lesions of the Distal Phalanx (P3) 240
Ossification of the Collateral Cartilage of the Distal Phalanx (Sidebone) 241
Sole Bruises, Corns, and Abscesses 243
Canker 244
Thrush 245
White Line Disease 246
Penetrating Injuries of the Foot 247
Keratoma 249
Foot Imbalances 250
Club Foot 253
Toe Cracks, Quarter Cracks, Heel Cracks (Sand Cracks) 255
Laminitis 257
Chapter 6. Common Conditions of the Forelimb 267
OA of the Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) Joint 267
Osteochondrosis (OC) of the PIP Joint 270
Luxation/Subluxation of the PIP Joint 272
Fractures of the Middle Phalanx (P2) 274
Fractures of the Proximal Phalanx (P1) 278
Desmitis of the Distal Sesamoidean Ligaments (DSLs) 283
SDFT and DDFT Injuries in the Pastern 284
Osteochondral (Chip) Fractures of Proximal P1 286
Fractures of the Proximal Sesamoid Bones 287
Sesamoiditis 291
Traumatic OA of the MCP Joint (Osselets) 293
Fetlock Subchondral Cystic Lesions (SCLs) 294
Traumatic Rupture of the Suspensory Apparatus 295
Digital Flexor Tendon Sheath (DFTS) Tenosynovitis 297
Periostitis and Fracture of the Dorsal Metacarpus (Bucked Shins, Shin Splints, and Stress Fracture) 299
MCIII/MTIII Condylar Fractures 301
Complete Fractures of the MCIII/MTIII (Cannon Bone) 303
“Splints” or Small MC Bone Exostosis 304
Fractures of the Small MC/MT (Splint) Bones 306
Suspensory Ligament (SL) Desmitis 308
Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis (DSLD) 311
Superficial Digital Flexor (SDF) Tendinitis (Bowed Tendon) 312
Common Digital Extensor (CDE) Tendon Rupture 314
Extensor Carpi Radialis (ECR) Tendon Damage 316
Intra-articular Carpal Fractures 317
OA of the Carpus 320
Carpal Sheath Tenosynovitis 321
Fractures of the Radius 323
Fractures of the Ulna 325
Subchondral Cystic Lesions (SCLs) of the Elbow 328
Bursitis of the Elbow (Olecranon Bursitis) 329
Fractures of the Humerus 330
Bicipital (Intertubercular Bursa) Bursitis 331
Osteochondrosis (OCD) of the Scapulohumeral (Shoulder) Joint 333
Suprascapular Nerve Injury (Sweeny) 335
Fractures of the Supraglenoid Tubercle (Tuberosity) 337
Chapter 7. Common Conditions of the Hindlimb 343
Distal Hindlimb and Foot 343
Distal Tarsal Osteoarthritis (OA) 343
Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) of the Tarsocrural Joint 346
Slab/Sagittal Fractures of the Central or Third Tarsal Bones 347
Fractures of the Tibial Malleoli 348
Subluxations/Luxations of the Tarsal Joints 349
Luxation of the SDFT from the Calcaneus 350
Capped Hock/Calcaneal Bursitis 352
Tarsal Sheath Tenosynovitis (Thoroughpin) 354
Rupture of the Peroneus Tertius 356
Stringhalt 357
Tibial Stress Fractures 358
Diaphyseal and Metaphyseal Tibial Fractures 359
Tibial Tuberosity/Crest Fractures 360
Fractures of the Proximal Tibial Physis 362
Femoropatellar OCD 363
Fractures of the Patella 364
Upward Fixation of the Patella (UFP) 367
Subchondral Cystic Lesions (SCLs) of the Stifle 368
Meniscal Injuries 370
Collateral/Cruciate Ligament Injury 373
Synovitis/Capsulitis/OA of the Stifle 375
Fibrotic Myopathy 375
Diaphyseal and Metaphyseal Femoral Fractures 377
Capital Physeal Fractures of the Femoral Head 379
Coxofemoral Luxation (Dislocation of the Hip Joint) 380
OA of the Coxofemoral Joint 382
Infectious Arthritis/Physitis of the Coxofemoral Joint 383
Chapter 8. Common Conditions of the Axial Skeleton 389
Pelvic Fractures 389
Ilial Wing Fractures 390
Tuber Coxae Fractures 391
Acetabular Fractures 392
Fractures of the Sacrum and Coccygeal Vertebrae 392
Diseases of the Sacroiliac Region 393
Overriding/Impingement of Dorsal Spinous Processes 395
Supraspinous Ligament Injuries 396
Fractures of the Spinous Processes 397
Vertebral Fractures 397
Discospondylitis 398
Spondylosis 398
Facet Joint OA and Vertebral Facet Joint Syndrome 399
Nuchal Ligament Desmopathy/Nuchal Bursitis 401
Cervical Facet Joint OA 402
Chapter 9.Therapeutic Options 05 Systemic/Parenteral 405
Topical/Local 407
Intrasynovial 408
Intralesional 411
Oral/Nutritional 413
Corrective Trimming and Shoeing 417
Chapter 10. Musculoskeletal Emergencies 429
Severe Unilateral Lameness 429
Severely Swollen Limb 430
Long Bone Fractures/Luxations 432
Synovial Infections 436
Tendon Lacerations 438
Index 443