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The Illustrated Horse`s Foot, 1st Edition

The Illustrated Horse`s Foot, 1st Edition
10-30 napon belül beszerezzük

Cikkszám: 1571

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ISBN 9780702046551
Author Information By Christopher C. Pollitt, BVSc, PhD
Copyright Year 2016
Edition Number 1
Format Book
Format Size 276 x 216 (8 1/2 x 10 7/8)
Illustrations Approx. 1020 illustrations (1020 in full color)
Imprint Saunders
Page Count 272
Publication Date 04 Dec 2015

Internationally renowned expert Professor Chris Pollitt shares his knowledge to aid accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of equine foot problems. The Illustrated Horse`s Foot presents 1,000 of the highest quality images from the author`s collection, including many 2D reconstructions of MRI and CT data. Building on the success of Professor Pollitt`s Color Atlas of the Horse`s Foot, this illustrated text augments a unique photographic collection with accompanying text offering information on clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in a templated format for quick and clear access.

The Illustrated Horse`s Foot comprehensively covers a wide range of equine foot conditions and includes access to an ancillary website presenting not only a generous image bank but video clips and 3D images of MRI and CT data. It is an essential guide for all equine veterinarians and farriers..

Key Features

    • Comprehensive coverage addresses a wide range of equine foot conditions. 
    • A unique collection of MIMICs provides beautifully detailed anatomical hoof images.
    • 284 high-quality images show conditions of the equine foot, including many 2-D reconstructions of MRI and CT data.
    • Step-by-step case histories follow equine patients from initial presentation through diagnosis to treatment and outcome.
    • A convenient, templated format provides quick access to clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.
    • Expert author Chris Pollitt is a pioneer in the use of advanced radiographic, CT, and MRI technology for imaging equine foot and laminitis problems to facilitate accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
    • A companion website located at pollitthorsesfoot.com located at pollitthorsesfoot.com includes video clips of equine foot cases.

Author Information
By Christopher C. Pollitt, BVSc, PhD, Reader in Equine Medicine, Department of Companion Animal Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine

Ár: 63 300 Ft
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