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Atlas of Diagnostic Cytology in Small Animals

Atlas of Diagnostic Cytology in Small Animals
10-30 napon belül beszerezzük

Cikkszám: 1508

Authors: Martínez de Merlo, Elena
Release date: 2019
ISBN: 9788417640613
Pages: 192
Dimensions: 22 x 28


Atlases of cytology are an essential tool in small animal practice. Diagnostic cytology, which is used extensively in routine clinical practice, requires the most comprehensive cell identification possible. This is best achieved with the help of numerous images that reflect the most characteristic and distinguishing featuresof the different cytological patterns, and this book will therefore be of great use to the reader in the diagnostic process of many pathologies.

Elena Martínez de Merlo

Dr Martínez holds a degree (1987) and a PhD (1993) in veterinary medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). She has been an assistant lecturer at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery of the UCM since 1998. She performs clinical work at the Complutense Veterinary Teaching Hospital (HCVC), and is the head of the Oncology and Diagnostic Cytology Clinic of the HCVC Clinical Pathobiology Service. Dr Martínez is the author of Atlas de citología clínica del perro y del gato (Atlas of clinical cytology in cats and dogs) published by Servet (2008) and Manual práctico de oncología en pequeños animales (Practical manual of small animal oncology; 2011 and 2014). She is the director of the UCM’s continuing education diploma programme “Cytological Interpretation in Small Animals” (60 hours), which she has taught on 11 occasions. She is certified in oncology by the Spanish Small Animal Veterinary Association (AVEPA) and was the president of AVEPA’s Group of Veterinary Oncologists (GEVONC) from when it was founded in 2011 until April 2014. She has spoken at various national and international congresses, and taught many courses and seminars about oncology and diagnostic cytology. In addition, she is the author or coauthor of articles on oncology and the clinical application of diagnostic cytology in both Spanish and international journals.

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