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Clinical Reasoning in Small Animal Practice

Clinical Reasoning in Small Animal Practice
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Cikkszám: 1636

Jill E. Maddison, Holger A. Volk, David B. Church

ISBN: 978-1-118-74175-7 May 2015 Wiley-Blackwell 278 Pages


Clinical Reasoning in Small Animal Practicepresents a revolutionary approach to solving clinical problems. As a veterinarian, especially as a student or new graduate, a ten minute consultation in a busy small animal practice can be a daunting task. By guiding you to think pathophysiologically, this book will help solve clinical problems as efficiently as possible. The authors set out a structured approach with easy to remember rules which can be applied to most clinical signs small animals present with. This reduces the need to remember long lists of differentials and avoids the potential of getting trapped by a perceived obvious diagnosis. The book will help to unlock your potential to solve clinical problems. It also provides a logical rationale for choosing diagnostic tests or treatments which can be clearly communicated to the owner.

Written by internationally renowned clinicians and educators in clinical reasoning, key features of the book include:...


Contributors vii

Foreword (Stephen May) ix

Acknowledgement xiii

1 Introduction to problem-based inductive clinical reasoning 1
Jill E. Maddison & Holger A. Volk

2 Vomiting and regurgitation 23
Jill E. Maddison

3 Diarrhoea 39
Jill E. Maddison

4 Weight loss 55
Jill E. Maddison

5 Abdominal enlargement 65
Jill E. Maddison

6 Weakness 75
Holger A. Volk, David B. Church & Jill E. Maddison

7 Fit, collapse or strange episodes 97
Holger A. Volk

8 Sneezing, dyspnoea, coughing and other respiratory signs 125
David B. Church

9 Anaemia 155
Jill E. Maddison

10 Jaundice 167
Jill E. Maddison

11 Bleeding 175
Jill E. Maddison

12 Polyuria/polydipsia and/or impaired urine concentration 191
Jill E. Maddison & David B. Church

13 Gait abnormalities 211
Holger A. Volk & Elvin R. Kulendra

14 Pruritus and scaling 241
Andrea V. Volk & Jill E. Maddison

Index 255

“The authors of this affordable book have deliberately focused their approach on the main symptoms such as diarrhoea, pruritus… and they guide the reader through the maze of clinical exams, secondary tests and intense mulling.  Elementary, my dear Watson.”  (Vet Nurses Today, 1 October 2015)

“This book will be a useful addition to the library of any practitioner.”  (Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 15 September 2015)

"Overall, Clinical reasoning is a useful resource for the clinician, especially when faced with challenging diagnostic cases. Its use will help practitioners focus their approach and avoid missing something early on in a case, saving on unhelpful diagnostic tests. As a new graduate, I have found this text useful in clinical practice so far, and am sure it will get even more use with time. While of great use to recent graduates, this book would also assist any clinician who is interested in applying their knowledge in a more thorough and logical manner" (Australian Veterinary Journal, 27 November 2016)

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