Cikkszám: 4014
By: Rosanna Marsella, University of Florida, USA
August 2019 | Hardback | 150 Pages | 9781786395085
This book deals exclusively with the equine dermatological problems that the clinician would see in practice. It is the perfect reference for the practitioner who must quickly diagnose and treat the problems. Illustrated in color throughout, coverage progresses from the approach to a case which covers history, signalment, identification of primary vs secondary lesions, distribution of lesions, with examples of differential diagnoses based on the detection of specific lesions to therapy and to chapters of diseases organized by presenting problems and signs - pruritus, allergy, parasitic, crusting, nodules, ulcerative and regional. Over 90 color images together with tables and flow charts provide quick access to important diagnostic and treatment information.
The diminutive size and reasonable price of the book make it perfect for use as a stall-side reference for ambulatory practitioners. The well-referenced chapters make this book an excellent introductory guide for interns and residents interested in equine dermatology. Overall, this book is a well-organized and highly relevant clinical guide to dermatologic diseases of horses. It will be an excellent addition to the reference library of any equine practitioner. - Julia Miller
Author Biography
Dr. Marsella is a graduate of the University of Milano (Italy, 1991). After graduation, Dr. Marsella worked in private practice for a couple of years and then decided to pursue specialty training in dermatology. Dr. Marsella became a board certified dermatologist in 1996 and has been a faculty member at the University of Florida since 1997 where she is currently a full Professor. Dr. Marsella is a horse lover and owner and has a special interest in equine dermatology. She has extensively published in the area of equine allergies, their diagnosis and treatment. She has also first described skin barrier defects in equine atopic dermatitis and is searching for new therapeutic and prophylactic options.
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