Cikkszám: 1985
Megjelenés: 2019 április
Oldalszám: 796
Illusztrációk: Színes és fekete-fehér félnyképek és rajzok
Kötés: Keményfedeles
ISBN: ISBN: 9781486307517
Larry Vogelnest has worked as a zoo and wildlife veterinarian with the Taronga Conservation Society Australia since 1990, and has been Senior Veterinarian at Taronga Zoo since 1994. He is a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Zoo Medicine. He is Principal Editor of Medicine of Australian Mammals (2008) and Principal Author of Radiology of Australian Mammals (2015). In 2009 he was awarded an Australian Public Service Medal for his contribution to conservation medicine and service to the Taronga Conservation Society Australia.
Timothy Portas has worked with captive and free-ranging wildlife since 1999. He is a member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Zoo Medicine and a Diplomate of the American College of Zoological Medicine. He has also completed a research-based Master of Veterinary Science and is the author of more than 30 peer reviewed zoological medicine publications. He is currently owner/director of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinary Consultancy and provides veterinary services to government wildlife agencies, universities, zoos and fauna parks.
Current Therapy in Medicine of Australian Mammals provides an update on Australian mammal medicine. Although much of the companion volume, Medicine of Australian Mammals, is still relevant and current, there have been significant advances in Australian mammal medicine and surgery since its publication in 2008. The two texts together remain the most comprehensive source of information available in this field.
This volume is divided into two sections. The first includes comprehensive chapters on general topics and topics relevant to multiple taxa. Several new topics are presented including: wildlife health in Australia and the important role veterinarians play in Australia`s biosecurity systems; medical aspects of native mammal reintroductions and translocations; disease risk analysis; wildlife rehabilitation practices in Australia with an emphasis on welfare of animals undergoing rehabilitation; management of overabundant populations; immunology; and stress physiology. The second section provides updates on current knowledge relevant to specific taxa. Several appendices provide useful reference data and information on clinical reference ranges, recommended venipuncture sites, chemical restraint agent doses and regimens, a drug formulary and dental charts.
- This title is a companion to Medicine of Australian Mammals (Vogelnest and Woods 2008) and complements the books Radiology of Australian Mammals (Vogelnest and Allan 2015), Pathology of Australian Native Wildlife (Ladds 2009), Haematology of Australian Mammals (Clark 2004) and Australian Mammals: Biology and Captive Management (Jackson 2003).
- Clinically oriented with the emphasis being on practical content with easy-to-use reference material.
- Appendices provide useful reference data and information on clinical reference ranges, recommended venipuncture sites and chemical restraint agent doses and regimens, as well as a drug formulary and dental charts.
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