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Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Hungary. Vol. 1-2-3-4 (A négy kötet egyben

Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Hungary. Vol. 1-2-3-4 (A négy kötet egyben
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 8050

Szerző: Papp László

Kiadó: PARS

Kötés: Keménytáblás-cérnafűzött

Oldalszám: 416 +385 + 427 + 708 (Összesen a négy kötet: 1936 oldal)

VOL 1:


Text English. First of a five-volume monograph on the Agromyzidae of Hungary. Includes species found in Hungary or likely to be found there. Vol. 1 contains: Material and methods and general chapters: Morphology of adults and larvae, Phylogenetic relationships of Agromyzidae, Classification, Life-habits, Economic importance and The history of studies on the Hungarian Agromyzidae.

The systematic section includes a key to the agromyzid genera (adults) and the species of the subfamily Agromyzinae with keys for the species of the genera Agromyza (73 spp.), Hexomyza (5 spp.), Melanagromyza (25 spp.) and Ophiomyia (52 spp.). For each of the treated species detailed diagnostic features, faunistic status, life-habits, economic importance and comments are given. All species are illustrated by 1319 high quality line drawings. Includes a catalogue of species showing occurrence in Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

VOL 2:


Text English. Second of a five-volume monograph on the Agromyzidae of Hungary. Not only the species hitherto found in Hungary, but also all the species which are expected to occur, are treated.

The second volume contains a short Introduction and a chapter of Material and Methods (with reference to the information in Vol. 1) and the first systematic part of the subfamily Phytomyzinae with the genera Selachops Wahlberg (1 sp.), Nemorimyza Frey (1 sp.), Phytobia Lioy (9 spp.), Cerodontha Panzer with the subgenera Cerodontha s. str. (10 spp.), Butomomyza Nowakowski (11 spp.), Dizygomyza Hendel (19 spp.), Icteromyza Hendel (6 spp.), Phytagromyza Hendel (1 sp.), Poemyza Hendel (27 spp.) and Xenophytomyza Frey (4 spp.), as well as Amauromyza Hendel (17 spp.) and Aulagromyza Enderlein (21 spp.) – a total of 127 spp., including 30 species, which are expected to occur. The references in this volume involve works cited in this volume only (for a more complete bibliography see Vol. 1). A catalogue with occurrence data in Hungary, in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia is also given. The text is closed by a taxonomic index of the Diptera taxa and an index of the plant taxa mentioned in this volume.

VOL 3:


Text English. Third of a five-volume monograph on the Agromyzidae of Hungary. Not only the species hitherto found in Hungary, but also all the species which are expected to occur, are treated. This volume includes the following genera, Calycomyza, Galiomyza, Gymnophytomyza, Liriomyza, Metopomyza, Phytoliriomyza, Pseudonapomyza and Ptochomyza.

VOL 4:


Text English. Final volume of this 4-volume monograph on the Agromyzidae of Hungary. Volume 4 contains the third systematic part of the subfamily Phytomyzinae with the genera Chromatomyia (33 spp.), Napomyza (19 spp.), Phytomyza (166 spp.) - a total of 228 spp. A Catalogue with occurrence data in Hungary, in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia is also given. Additions and corrections to Volumes 1-3 are given. 18 new species for science are described. The text is closed by a Diptera and plant name index. The volume is richly illustrated by more than 2300 - mostly original - figures arranged in 226 figure plates.

Akciós ár: 79 600 Ft helyett 72 990 Ft
Akció ideje: 2024.02.29 - 2025.02.28
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