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Medical Management of Wildlife Species: A Guide for Practitioners

Medical Management of Wildlife Species: A Guide for Practitioners
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 1410

Sonia M. Hernandez (Editor)Heather W. Barron (Editor)Erica A. Miller (Editor)Roberto F. Aguilar (Editor)Michael J. Yabsley (Editor)

ISBN: 978-1-119-03658-6 November 2019 Wiley-Blackwell 496 Pages




This book offers an all-encompassing resource for reliable information on the medical management of wild birds, mammals, amphibians, and turtles. Focusing on the medical information relevant to the wildlife setting, it covers triage, emergency care, and other key considerations in handling, diagnosing, and treating wild animals. The book`s population-based approach encourages practitioners to understand individual animal care within the broader context. 

Medical Management of Wildlife Species: A Guide for Practitioners begins with a brief summary of natural history, and introductory chapters address general topics such as pre-release conditioning, post-release monitoring, and legal issues associated with handling wildlife species. Species-specific chapters provide practical information on medical management, including the most prevalent concerns for each species and the epidemiology of infectious diseases. 

  • Provides a complete...

List of Contributors vii

Preface xi

Acknowledgment xiii

Section I General Topics 1

1 Regulatory and Legal Considerations in Wildlife Medicine 3
Allan Casey and Erica A. Miller

2 Human Safety and Zoonoses 11
Marcy J. Souza

3 Specialized Equipment for Wildlife Care 23
Florina S. Tseng

4 General Principles of Emergency Care 29
Julia K. Whittington and Nicole Rosenhagen

5 General Principles of Analgesia and Anesthesia in Wildlife 45
Michelle G. Hawkins, David Sanchez‐Migallon Guzman and Joanne Paul‐Murphy

6 Care of Oiled Wildlife 75
Florina S. Tseng and Michael Ziccardi

7 Vaccination of Wildlife Species 85
Michael J. Yabsley

8 The Veterinary Practitioner and the Wildlife Rehabilitator: Building the Right Relationship and Touching All the Bases 97
Edward E. Clark Jr

9 Pre‐Release Conditioning 105
Scott Ford and Kristen Dube

10 Postrehabilitation Release Monitoring of Wildlife 123
Sonia M. Hernandez

11 Wound Management in Wildlife 129
Elizabeth A. Maxwell and R. Avery Bennett

12 Principles of Initial Orphan Care 145
Laurie J. Gage and Rebecca S. Duerr

13 The Role of Wildlife Rehabilitation in Wildlife Disease Research and Surveillance 159
Michael J. Yabsley

Section II Medical Management of Specific Animals 167

14 Natural History and Medical Management of Squirrels and Other Rodents 169
Erica A. Miller

15 Natural History and Medical Management of Lagomorphs 185
Florina S. Tseng

16 Natural History and Medical Management of Passerines, Galliformes, and Allies 197
Sallie C. Welte and Erica A. Miller

17 Natural History and Medical Management of Raptors 215
David Scott

18 Natural History and Medical Management of Waterfowl 229
Michele Goodman

19 Medical and Surgical Management of Seabirds and Allies 247
Rebecca S. Duerr

20 Medical and Surgical Management of Deer and Relatives 259
Kelli Knight and Peach van Wick

21 Natural History and Medical Management of Procyonids: Emphasis on Raccoons 271
Renée Schott

22 Natural History and Medical Management of Mustelids 283
Noha Abou‐Madi

23 Natural History and Medical Management of Opossums 297
Antonia Gardner

24 Natural History and Medical Management of Canids: Emphasis on Coyotes and Foxes 313
Jeannie Lord and Erica A. Miller

25 Natural History and Medical Management of Ursids 327
Dave McRuer and Helen Ingraham

26 Natural History and Medical Management of Felids: Emphasis on Bobcats 343
Bethany Groves and John R. Huckabee

27 Natural History and Medical Management of Chiroptera 353
Linda E. Bowen

28 Natural History and Medical Management of Terrestrial and Aquatic Chelonians 363
Terry M. Norton and Matthew C. Allender

29 Natural History and Medical Management of Amphibians 383
Leigh Ann Clayton

Appendix I: Clinical Pathology of Common Wildlife Species 397
Erica A. Miller

Appendix II: Formulary for Common Wildlife Species 449
Heather W. Barron

Index 471

Akciós ár: 64 150 Ft helyett 55 990 Ft
Akció ideje: 2020.04.04 - 2025.02.28
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