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Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology, 3rd Edition

Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology, 3rd Edition
Jelenleg nem kapható

Cikkszám: 448

2022-ben új kiadás várható!

Kirk N. Gelatt

ISBN: 978-1-118-77192-1
720 pages
October 2014, Wiley-Blackwell


Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology, Third Edition offers an updated introduction to the diagnosis and clinical management of ocular conditions in veterinary patients, providing trusted information in a user-friendly format.  The content of the book is distilled from the fifth edition of the gold-standard reference Veterinary Ophthalmology, emphasizing the information most relevant to veterinary students and general practitioners.  Fully updated throughout, the Third Edition focuses more strongly on small animals and horses, with streamlined coverage of other species, and new chapters have been added on morphology, physiology, and pharmacology.

Carefully designed to be equally useful for learning and in practice, the book offers a streamlined, practical approach, with bolded terms to enhance comprehension.  High-quality color photographs provide visual depictions of the conditions discussed.  Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology, Third Edition is an indispensable resource for veterinary students or clinicians wishing to hone their ophthalmology knowledge and skills.

Table of Contents



About the companion website

Section 1 Basics for Clinical Veterinary Ophthalmology

1 Development of the Eye

2 Ophthalmic Structures

3 Physiology of the Eye

4 Optics and Physiology of Vision

5 Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Section 2 Ophthalmic Examination and Imaging

6 Eye Examination and Diagnostics

Section 3 Canine Ophthalmology

7 Canine Orbit: Diseases and Surgery

8 Canine Eyelids: Diseases and Surgery

9 Canine Nasolacrimal Duct and Lacrimal Secretory Systems: Diseases and Surgery

10 Canine Conjunctiva: Diseases and Surgery

11 Canine Cornea: Diseases and Surgery

12 Canine Glaucomas

13 Canine Anterior Uvea: Diseases and Surgery

14 Canine Lens: Cataract, Luxation, and Surgery

15 Canine Posterior Segment: Diseases and Surgery

Section 4 Special Species

16 Feline Ophthalmology

17 Equine Ophthalmology

18 Food Animal Ophthalmology

19 Exotic Animals: Ophthalmic Disease and Surgery

Section 5 Ophthalmic and Systemic Diseases

20 Comparative Neuro-Ophthalmology

21 Systemic Disease and the Eye




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