List of Contributors xx
Foreword xx
Preface xx
Acknowledgments xx
1 Gamebird History xx
Robert Sexton, Robert E. Porter, and Teresa Y. Morishita
2 Gamebird Laws, Regulations, and the National Poultry Improvement Plan xx
Elena Behnke
3 Galliformes: Species, Varieties, and Behavior xx
Gen Anderson and Chris Holmes
4 Gamebird Anatomy xx
Wael Khamas and Josep Rutllant
5 Avian Physiology xx
Kahina Ghanem and Sally L. Noll
6 Gambird Housing and Handling xx
Bill MacFarlane and Casey W. Ritz
7 Gamebird Nutrition xx
Al Hollister
8 Biosecurity for Gamebirds xx
Rodrigo A. Gallardo and Eva Wallner-Pendleton
9 Field Investigation, Medication, Vaccination, and Diagnostics for Gamebirds xx
David D. Frame, Douglas Anderson, and Mark C. Bland
10 Gamebird Respiratory Diseases xx
Richard M. Fulton
11 Gamebird Digestive Diseases xx
Robert E. Porter and Teresa Y. Morishita
12 Gamebird Musculoskeletal and Neurologic Diseases xx
Daniel P. Shaw
13 Gamebird Skin Diseases and Multisystemic Diseases xx
Robert E. Porter and Teresa Y. Morishita
14 Gamebird Toxicological Diseases xx
Richard M. Fulton
15 Gamebird Necropsy Procedures xx
Robert E. Porter
16 Gamebird Medication Regulations xx
Lisa A. Tell, Krista L. Martin, and Tara Marmulak
17 Guineafowl xx
Jacquie Jacob and Anthony Pescatore
18 Exhibition Galliformes xx
Abigail Duvall
19 Peafowl xx
Teresa Y. Morishita, Linda G. Flores, and Steven E. Benscheidt
20 Conservation of Gamebirds xx
Chris Holmes