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Immunosuppresive diseases of poultry

Immunosuppresive diseases of poultry
10-30 napon belül beszerezzük

Cikkszám: 1514

Autor/Autores: Isabel M. Gimeno, Oscar J. Fletcher, Enrique Montiel, Orlando Osuna, Natàlia Majó, Roser Dolz, Joan Smyth, Karel A. Schat, Arun R. Pandiri, Guillermo Zavala
Año de edición: 2013
ISBN: 978-84-941389-5-9
Nº Páginas: 192
Encuadernación: Hard cover
Formato: 22 x 28

The goal of this work is to present the reader with the most common diseases that can produce immunosuppression in poultry, provide guidance for the diagnosis of immunosuppressive diseases, and examine the challenges that a diagnostician may face in confirming a diagnosis of immunosuppression. The book will feature an extensive collection of color photographs depicting the gross and microscopic images.

Ár: 29 820 Ft
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