Equine Clinical Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction 2nd edition

Equine Clinical Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction 2nd edition
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 1315

CRC Press
Published December 20, 2019
Reference - 1408 Pages - 1841 Color Illustrations
ISBN 9781138196384 - CAT# K31164


This fully-revised new edition of the best-selling Equine Clinical Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction is supported by over 1800 illustrations of the highest quality: colour photographs, diagnostic images including MRI and CT, and diagrams. System-based, the chapters introduce each individual system with precise information on the relevant basic anatomy and physiology, standard clinical examination techniques and useful differential diagnostic aids. This is followed by diseases and disorders that are pertinent to that system, grouped together either anatomically or based on presenting clinical signs. Each condition is described using consistent headings: definition/overview, etiology and pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnoses, management/treatment, and prognosis. Additional chapters deal with the foal and wounds.

New to the second edition:

- All chapters are updated throughout

- Additional chapters on the axial musculoskeletal system (neck, back and pelvis) and muscle diseases and problems

- A whole new section on soft tissue injuries of the foot

- More information on diagnostic tests including over-ground endoscopy, chest and liver ultrasonography, head CT, and foot MRI

- Material on equine dentistry, neurology, endocrine system, the foal, and the liver has been considerably expanded

- All illustrations and photographs have been reviewed and many replaced with higher quality images.

The focus throughout remains on providing clinically relevant information required for practical case management, plus sufficient background on causes and disease processes to enable readers to understand the conditions and the rationale for diagnostic and treatment options. An international group of respected clinicians have come together under the editorship of Dr Graham Munroe to create a textbook that will be of lasting value as a teaching and training resource for equine clinical teachers and their students in veterinary medicine and related equine courses, as well as a ready reference for non-specialist mixed or equine clinical practitioners

Akciós ár: 85 860 Ft helyett 75 620 Ft
Akció ideje: 2020.01.14 - 2024.04.30
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