Lillian R. Aronson, VMD, DACVS, is Professor of Surgery at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
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Cikkszám: 5029
Szerző: Lillian R. Aronson (Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-119-65853-5
Megjelenés: July 2022
Kiadó: Wiley-Blackwell
Oldalszám: 784 Pages
Kötés: Keménytáblás-cérnafűzött
Illusztrációk: Színes és ff képek (RTG,UH,CT), ábrák, táblázatok és diagramok
A comprehensive and up-to-date guide in emergency surgical intervention for veterinary professionals
Small Animal Surgical Emergencies, Second Edition continues to be an important resource focusing on surgical emergencies, combining the work of surgical specialists and critical care specialists, and filling a void in educating and informing veterinarians.
The new edition of this book provides updated information on an array of topics such as preoperative stabilization, new and innovative treatment options, and aftercare. Each chapter covers step-by-step information on emergency stabilization, diagnostic approach, operative techniques, postoperative care, common complications encountered in each case, and how to troubleshoot any such complication should they occur. It also offers simplified surgical techniques to ensure success and describes new and novel procedures throughout.
The Second Edition of Small Animal Surgical Emergencies features:
An important tool for small animal general practitioners, veterinary surgeons, critical care specialists, as well as veterinary nurses and operating room technicians, Small Animal Surgical Emergencies, Second Edition is a crucial resource for this constantly evolving branch of veterinary medicine.
Lillian R. Aronson, VMD, DACVS, is Professor of Surgery at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
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Contributors xii
Preface xvii
Acknowledgements xviii
About the Companion Website
Daisy’s Story xx
1 Triage and Initial Stabilization of the Emergency Small Animal Surgical Patient 1
Dana Clarke
2 Operating Room Nursing Tips for Emergency Surgical Procedures 20
Cami Elliott, Michelle Capps, and Michael McCallum
Section I Gastrointestinal System 49
3 Emergency Stabilization of the Acute Abdomen Patient 51
Nyssa Levy and Matthew Beal
4 Esophageal Foreign Bodies 58
Ivan Doran
5 Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies 70
Amie Koenig and Mandy L. Wallace
6 Intussusception 81
Janet Kovak McClaran and Yekaterina Buriko
7 Rectal Prolapse 88
Jennifer L. Huck
8 Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus 93
Michael S. Tivers and Sophie Adamantos
9 Intestinal Volvulus 108
Elizabeth LaFond and Kristina Kiefer
10 Colonic Torsion 115
Chloe Wormser
11 Peritonitis 119
Adrienne Bentley and Anusha Balakrishnan Copyrighted Material
12 Surgical Intervention Post- Celiotomy 141
Michael B. Mison
13 Biliary Emergencies 146
Lori Ludwig and Sean Smarick
14 Hemoperitoneum 164
Cassie N. Lux, William T. N. Culp and Steven E. Epstein
15 True Abdominal Hernias 178
Daniel D. Smeak
16 Traumatic and Incisional Hernias 190
Todd Hamilton
17 Perineal Hernias 199
Karen M. Tobias
18 Pancreatic Abscessation 216
F. A. (Tony) Mann
19 Hepatic Emergencies 226
James A. Perry, Steven E. Epstein, and William T. N. Culp
20 Bleeding Gastrointestinal Ulcers 238
Yekaterina Buriko, David Holt, Laura Ateca, and Lesley King
21 Enteral Feeding Tubes 251
Aarti Kathrani
Section II Urinary System 263
22 Stabilization of the Uremic Patient 265
Kari Beer and Kenneth Drobatz
Section IIa Urinary System - Urinary Tract Trauma 277
23 Renal and Ureteral Injury 279
Dan Degner and Chloe Wormser
24 Approach to the Uroabdomen 285
Sara Colopy, Adam Townsend, and Dale Bjorling
25 Urethral Injury 297
Sara Colopy, Adam Townsend, and Dale Bjorling
Section IIb Urinary System – Urinary Obstruction 311
26 Ureteral Obstruction 313
Daniel Degner, Dana Clarke, and Chloe Wormser
27 Urethral Obstruction 331
Heidi Phillips and Sara Colopy
Section III Respiratory System 351
Section IIIa Respiratory System – Upper Airway Disease 353
28 Stabilization Techniques for Patients with an Upper Respiratory Obstruction 355
Meredith Maczuzak and Deborah C. Silverstein
29 Tracheostomy 364
Nathaniel Lam
30 Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome 372
Mike Schlicksup
31 Laryngeal Paralysis 383
Georga T. Karbe
32 Laryngeal Trauma 391
Eric Monnet
33 Tracheal Collapse 395
William T. N. Culp and Matthew D. O’Donnell
Section IIIb Respiratory System – Pleural Space Disease 405
34 Stabilization Techniques for Patients with Pleural Space Disease 407
Erica Reineke and Jen Savini
35 Diaphragmatic Hernia 417
MaryAnn Radlinsky
36 Pyothorax 425
Lori S. Waddell and David A. Puerto
37 Hemothorax 433
Chad W. Schmiedt and Benjamin M. Brainard
38 Pneumothorax 441
David A. Puerto and Lori S. Waddell
39 Lung Lobe Torsion 451
Jacob A. Rubin and Jaime Green
40 Surgical Approach to the Thoracic Cavity 459
David A. Puerto and Jacob A. Rubin
Section IIIc Respiratory System – Chest Wall Disease 467
41 Stabilization Techniques for Patients with Chest Wall Disease 469
Nolan Chalifoux and Deborah Silverstein
42 Pectus Excavatum 475
Krista N. Adamovich- Rippe and William T. N. Culp
43 Flail Chest 483
Eric Monnet
Section IV Cardiovascular System 487
44 Pacemaker Therapy 489
Caryn Reynolds and Katrine Saile
45 Pericardial Effusion 501
Augusta Pelosi and Amy Koenigshof
46 Open- Chest Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 514
Jasper Burke and Deborah Silverstein
Section V Reproductive System 525
47 Cesarean Section 527
Stephen D. Gilson
48 Pyometra 534
Jacqueline Davidson and Dorothy Black
49 Penile and Testicular Emergencies 541
Susan P. Gregory
50 Prostatic Abscessation 553
Richard A. S. White
51 Uterine and Vaginal Prolapse 565
Pieter Nelissen
Section VI Wound Management 573
52 Bite Wounds 575
David Holt and Vincent Thawley
53 Burn Injury 586
Caroline Garzotto and Dana Clarke
54 Penetrating Injury in the Dog and Cat 600
Steve J. Mehler
55 Necrotizing Fasciitis 613
Karol A. Mathews and Ameet Singh
56 Degloving and Shear Injuries 626
Bryden J. Stanley and Susan W. Volk
57 Skin Flaps and Grafts: Managing Complications 645
Michael B. Mison
58 Incisional Infections 652
Brandy A. Burgess
Section VII Ocular Emergencies 659
59 Ocular Emergencies 661
Deborah C. Mandell and Rosalie M. Atkins
Section VIII Oral Surgical Emergencies 685
60 Oral Surgical Emergencies 687
Alexander M. Reiter
Section IX Orthopedic Emergencies 701
61 Approach to the Septic Joint 703
Samuel P. Franklin
62 Surgical Management of Open Fractures 715
Kimberly Agnello
63 Traumatic Joint Luxation and Reduction 725
Anna Massie and Po- Yen Chou
Index 739
About the Companion Website
1 Triage and Initial Stabilization of the Emergency Small Animal Surgical Patient
2 Operating Room Nursing Tips for Emergency Surgical Procedures
Section I: Gastrointestinal System
3 Emergency Stabilization of the Acute Abdomen Patient
4 Esophageal Foreign Bodies
5 Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies
6 Intussusception
7 Rectal Prolapse
8 Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus
9 Intestinal Volvulus
10 Colonic Torsion
11 Peritonitis
12 Surgical Intervention Post-Celiotomy
13 Biliary Emergencies
14 Hemoperitoneum
15 True Abdominal Hernias
16 Traumatic and Incisional Hernias
17 Perineal Hernias
18 Pancreatic Abscessation
19 Hepatic Emergencies
20 Bleeding Gastrointestinal Ulcers
21 Assisted Enteral Feeding Tubes
Section IIa: Urinary System – Urinary Tract Trauma
22 Stabilization of the Uremic Patient
23 Renal and Ureteral Injury
24 Approach to the Uroabdomen
25 Urethral Injury
Section IIb: Urinary System – Urinary Obstruction
26 Ureteral Obstruction
27 Urethral Obstruction
Section IIIa: Respiratory System – Upper Airway Disease
28 Stabilization Techniques for Patients with an Upper Respiratory Obstruction
29 Tracheostomy
30 Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome
31 Laryngeal Paralysis
32 Laryngeal Trauma
33 Tracheal Collapse
Section IIIb: Respiratory System – Pleural Space Disease
34 Stabilization Techniques for Patients with Pleural Space Disease
35 Diaphragmatic Hernia
36 Pyothorax
37 Hemothorax
38 Pneumothorax
39 Lung Lobe Torsion
40 Surgical Approach to the Thoracic Cavity
Section IIIc: Respiratory System – Chest Wall Disease
41 Stabilization Techniques for Patients with Chest Wall Disease
42 Pectus Excavatum
43 Flail Chest
Section IV: Cardiovascular System
44 Pacemaker Therapy
45 Pericardial Effusion
46 Open-Chest Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Section V: Reproductive System
47 Cesarean Section
48 Pyometra
49 Penile and Testicular Emergencies
50 Prostatic Abscessation
51 Uterine and Vaginal Prolapse
Section VI: Wound Management
52 Bite Wounds
53 Burn Injury
54 Penetrating Injury in the Dog and Cat
55 Necrotizing Fasciitis
56 Degloving and Shear Injuries
57 Skin Flaps and Grafts: Managing Complications
58 Incisional Infections
Section VII: Ocular Emergencies
59 Ocular Emergencies
Section VIII: Oral Surgical Emergencies
60 Oral Surgical Emergencies
Section IX: Orthopedic Emergencies
61 Approach to the Septic Joint
62 Surgical Management of Open Fractures
63 Traumatic Joint Luxation and Reduction
https://www.wiley.com/go/aronson/surgical Companion site |
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