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Veterinary Clinical Parasitology, 8th Edition

Veterinary Clinical Parasitology, 8th Edition
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Cikkszám: 286

Anne M. Zajac (Editor), Gary A. Conboy (Editor)
February 2012, ©2012, Wiley-Blackwell
Veterinary Clinical Parasitology, Eighth Edition, prepared under the auspices of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP), emphasizes the morphologic identification of both internal and external parasites of domestic animals. Focusing on the tests and information most relevant to daily practice, the book describes accurate, cost-effective techniques for diagnosing parasitic infections in animals. Including clear, easy-to-find information on the distribution, life cycle, and importance of each parasite, Veterinary Clinical Parasitologyoffers more than 450 images to aid with diagnosis.

The Eighth Edition includes a new chapter on immunologic and molecular diagnosis, increased coverage of ticks and new sections on identification of microfilariae and larvae in diagnostic samples. The new edition also features expanded information on quantitative egg counts, detection of anthelmintic resistance and identification of ruminant strongylid larvae.  Additional improvements include many new images throughout the book, revised taxonomic information, a new layout featuring tabs by section to improve user-friendliness, and a companion website offering the images from the book in PowerPoint at www.wiley.com/go/zajacVeterinary Clinical Parasitology is a highly practical benchside reference invaluable to clinicians, technicians, and students.

Table of Contents



CHAPTER 1 Fecal Examination for the Diagnosis of Parasitism

Collection of Fecal Samples

Storage and Shipment of Fecal Samples

Fecal Exam Procedures

Fecal Flotation

Additional Procedures for Fecal Examination

Quality Control for Fecal Exam Procedures

Use of the Microscope

Microscope Calibration

Pseudoparasites and Spurious Parasites

Identification of Nematode Larvae Recovered with Fecal Flotation or Baermann Procedures

Techniques for Evaluation of Strongylid Nematodes in Grazing Animals

Fecal Culture

Identification of Ruminant and Camelid Third-Stage Larvae

Identification of Horse Third-Stage Larvae

Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test

Identification of Adult Worms

Hoyer’s Solution


Parasites of Domestic Animals

Dogs and Cats

Ruminants and Camelids




Rodents and Rabbits


CHAPTER 2 Detection of Protozoan and Helminth Parasites in theUrinary, Reproductive, and Integumentary Systems andin the Eye

Techniques for Parasite Recovery

Parasites of the Urinary System

Parasites of the Reproductive Tract

Helminth Parasites of the Integumentary System

Urinary System Parasites

Reproductive System Parasites

Parasites of Other Systems (Excluding Arthropods)

CHAPTER 3 Detection of Parasites in the Blood

Immunologic Detection of Blood Parasites

Microscopic Examination of Blood for Protozoan Parasites

Giemsa Stain

Microscopic Examination of Blood for Nematode Parasites

Tests for Canine Heartworm Microfilariae in Blood Samples

Blood Parasites of Dogs and Cats

Blood Parasites of Livestock and Horses

Blood Parasites of Birds

CHAPTER 4 Immunodiagnostic and Molecular Diagnostic Tests inVeterinary Parasitology

Immunodiagnostic Methods

Molecular Diagnostic Methods

CHAPTER 5 Diagnosis of Arthropod Parasites

Subclass Acari (Mites and Ticks)

Mite Identification

Tick Identification

Class Insecta

Lice (Orders Anoplura and Mallophaga)

Fleas (Order Siphonaptera)

Flies (Order Diptera)

Other Insects

CHAPTER 6 Parasites of Fish

Techniques for Recovery of Ectoparasites

Skin Biopsy (Mucus Smear)

Fin Biopsy (Fin Snip)

Gill Biopsy (Gill Snip)

Recovery of Endoparasites

Parasites of Fish



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