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Practical Wildlife Care, 2nd Edition

Practical Wildlife Care, 2nd Edition
Raktáron / Szállítás: 2 - 4 munkanap

Cikkszám: 1415

Les Stocker

ISBN: 978-1-405-12749-3 July 2005 Wiley-Blackwell 352 Pages


Wildlife care and rehabilitation is often on a one-to-one basis and involves a lot of time, care and skill. However, for many years, care of injured wildlife was regarded as a low priority and euthanasia was the recommended option. A lot has changed over the past twenty years and now caring for wildlife casualties is part of everyday life in many veterinary practices.

Following on from the major success of the first edition, this second edition provides even more useful information on wildlife care and rehabilitation. As well as covering a whole range of species, with sections on birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, this edition now includes information on many ‘alien’ species appearing in the British countryside such as wallabies, wild boar and exotic reptiles.

In this edition:

  • Essential guidance on handling, first aid, feeding and releasing, and many other disciplines not featured in veterinary or nursing training...



1 Prime Directives.

2 First Response.

3 Fluid Therapy / Part I: Building Blocks.

4 Fluid Therapy / Part II: Administration.

5 Wound Management / Part I: The Biology of Wounds.

6 Wound Management / Part II: The Treatment of Wounds.

7 Biology and First Aid of Fractures.

8 Fracture Management.

9 Avian Wildlife Disease.

10 Mammalian Wildlife Disease.

11 Garden Birds.

12 Pigeons.

13 Game Birds.

14 Corvids.

15 Water Birds – Ducks.

16 Water Birds – Swans.

17 Geese and Other Water Birds.

18 Birds of Prey.

19 Seabirds.

20 Hand-rearing Orphaned Birds.

21 Small Mammals.

22 Hedgehogs.

23 Rabbits and Hares.

24 Red Fox.

25 Badgers.

26 Other Mustelids.

27 Deer.

28 Bats.

29 Other Mammal Species.

30 Rearing Orphaned Wild Mammals.

31 Reptiles and Amphibians.

Appendix 1 JNCC Guidelines on Handling Bats.

Appendix 2 British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) Guidelines for Response to Cetacean Strandings.

Appendix 3 Birds on Schedule 4 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as of May 1998).

Appendix 4 The Law relating to the use and possession of airguns.

Appendix 5 Suggested Record Sheet to Accompany Bat Samples to the Central Veterinary Laboratory.

Appendix 6 Selected Rehabilitation Supplies and Suppliers.

Appendix 7 Useful Addresses in Wildlife Rehabilitation.

References and Further Reading.


“Les Stocker’s, Practical Wildlife Care, is jam-packed with an incredible amount of information on wild animal rehabilitation. Stocker’s vast knowledge and experience with wildlife reveals itself in every sentence of the book.” (Suite 101, February 2009)

"If the practice has used and found the first edition useful, this updated edition adds to that resource. If, however, the practice does not have any books on wildlife treatment, then this is an excellent addition to the library." (Vet Times, December 2005)

  • Provides fundamental information on the care and release of wildlife casualties and orphans;

  • Full of helpful tips from an expert in wildlife rehabilitation who has unparalleled practical experience;

  • Includes new material on badgers, pigeons and exotic animals;

  • Lots of colour pictures to aid in management and care techniques.
Akciós ár: 29 980 Ft helyett 24 980 Ft
Akció ideje: 2024.05.31 - 2025.02.28
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